Paints and Dragon Racing

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A/N: Hey. I was going to do a one-shot about Hiccup having a tattoo, (Coming Soon) When I saw a pic of Hiccup doing some sort of painting on Toothless. I was like,

I should totally fuckin write about that!

Okay, maybe without the swearing. But I needed a storyline, and thus, this was born. Enjoy! Oh, wait, watch the crack up there. The screaming though...


Place: Berk

Couples: Hiccstrid

Age: 19-20


Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, the Twins and Snotlout were gathered in the arena. It had been a few months since they had returned from the edge, and currently, they were preparing for a dragon race. But, this one was different. Hiccup was feeling a bit... daring.  

Everyone was painting their own simple designs on their faces and dragons with different colours. But no-one had touched the red. Hiccup smirked to himself. He walked to the red can of paint, took it and beckoned Toothless to follow him to one of the dragon pens.

"Hiccup? Where are you going?" Astrid asked.

"Call me when its time," Hiccup said, still smirking, before closing the door. Astrid shrugged it off, but still found it a bit weird.

Toothless sat in the middle of the room, looking around before looking at Hiccup. He was taking off his armour. Toothless crooed, wanting to know what's going on. 

"Alright, bud. See the simple designs on everyone else?" Hiccup whisper-asked to his dragon, now shirtless. Toothless nodded. "Well, we're doing something different." Hiccup said mischievously. Toothless soon shared the same look and laughed his own dragony laugh.

Toothless and Hiccup eventually opened the can of paint, using Toothless' claw as a dagger or knife. The lid popped open, and Hiccup dipped in his fingers. He lifted them out of the can, and Toothless leaned forward, excited to see what his rider would paint on him this time. He had said they were doing something different!

Hiccup's fingers glided along his scaly friend's smooth skin. Toothless opened his eyes and trod over to the polished metal on one of the walls. He warbled to himself, he was pleased with the new look.

"Hey bud, look at me." Hiccup told his friend. Toothless did so with mean eyes. Hiccup 'Oooooh'ed and let out a loud yell of joy. Those outside of the room shared confused glances but continued their work. Never question the boy and his dragon when they're being weird.

Hiccup sighed and started to work on himself. He painted his cheeks. Feeling cocky, he painted the chief's seal on his forehead. (Like in httyd 2) 

"Too much bud?" He asked his dragon, staring in the mirror. Toothless grumbled and shook his head.

"Of course, bud. There's no such thing as too much cockiness." Hiccup said, returning to painting himself. Toothless gave him a 'Really?' look and flicked his tail, so it was pointing outside the door.

"Unless your Snotlout, I agree." Hiccup laughed.  He painted along his arms and the top of his hand and reached for his back. But he couldn't. He sighed.

"Hey bud? Can you help me?" Hiccup asked, and Toothless padded over. "You see what I was doing with the paint? Can you continue it, bud? I can't reach." Hiccup said to his dragon. Toothless was nervous but did so anyway. He dipped the tip of his claw in the paint and ran it along Hiccup's back, almost perfectly. Hiccup praised his dragon.

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