Modern Parenting

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I went to lunch with my parents and saw the funniest thing. This 3 year old was swinging a swing into a baby's head and the parents didn't do anything about it until the baby was balling its eyes out. And then that same older kid did it again later, and again, and then parents decided to do something about it. When the three year old got in trouble they lost their shit and used crocodile tears to have *Girly high pitched voice* So they could have some cuddles with mummy!

While I was laughing from inside the cafe I was plotting this one-shot, but I can't imagine Zephyr hurting Nuffink, so I came up with new names. Every, I present to you:

Sammuel and Charlie!

There just two random names that came up in my head just now. And now I realise I know people with these names... Meh I hate them both anyway it doesn't matter (Author from 2021 here, I don't hate one of them, he'd a literal angel)

Long A/n, too bad. Enjoy the one-shot


Age: 27-28, 1-3

Couples: Hiccstrid / Hashley (???)

Place: Middleton Beach Cafe

Summary: Hamish and Ashley have some parenting troubles in public, embarrassing them both to the ends of the earth.


"Sammuel just can't keep his hands of anyone... and I mean that in a bad way," Hamish complained to his parents, who him and Ash had decided to have coffee with.

"Oh. Hopefully he'll snap out of that before kindy," Valka said, sipping her hot Chocolate.

"Yeah, no matter what we do or how badly he gets in trouble he just keeps doing it!" Ashley cried, her hands in her hair.

"Maybe you two need to go hard on him. It's all or nothin," Hamish's Father, Stoick said.

"Maybe. But Ash can do that, I'm not good at scolding kids." Hamish chuckled, squeezing his wife's hand.

"That's gotta change, son, otherwise your kids will realise you won't scold them." Valka explained firmly, knowing her son needed to hear it whether he liked it or not. Then, a baby's cry ran through their ears.

"Speak of the devil," Stoick said, looking out the window. "This is a time to learn son," Stoick said, but he didn't receive an answer since Hamish was up out of his chair and running to his kids, despite the metal leg. He ran into the playground and picked up their newest son, Charlie.

"Sammuel, no. How many times have I and your Mother told you to stop hurting those around you!?" Hamish scolding, doing his best to hide his small guilt.

"Sorry Daddy... I can't help myself..." Sammuel, the oldest put of the two, apologised, looking down sheepishly.

"Well don't do it again," Hamish finished before setting Charlie back down again once he had calmed him down.

Ashley, Valka and Stoick watched from inside the cafe, they saw everything but couldn't hear much.

"I thought Hamish didn't like scolding kids," Stoick deadpanned.

"He doesn't. He absolutely hates it. But, at times, he's pretty good at it." Ashley sighed, watching her husband start to walk away.

"If I were him I would've yelled at him for doing such a thing to his brother," Stoick said a little louder than he needed to.

"If he were at home he would've raised his voice, but he's in" Ashley mumbled.

"If he won't raise he voice in public that's when Sam will most likely play up." Valka said just in time for her son to hear.

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