t h i r t y - s e v e n

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tae let my hand go as we went to rides after rides. the horror train is irritating than terrifying because i've gotten my shoes stepped on more than five times already and my toes are in pain. the other rides were good.

i heard the fireworks will lit up any moment so i wanted tae and i to ride the ferris wheel to get the best view BUT UNFORTUNATELY, the line for the ferris wheel's extremely long and we'll never reach the cabin before the fireworks starts.
“where's a good spot?” i asked taehyung. he searched around and saw a bench that gave a good view of the sky. we sat there as a few people started standing there as well, hoping to see a good look at the fireworks display.

i'm legitimately getting nervous as the seconds ticked by. my hands are so sweaty and i kept wiping it on my pants.
what would i even say first? what would i tell him first?

what will i feel if he rejects me?

i know the potion started out in a wrong effect but will it actually give me a little chance with tae? all those ingredients of the potion and i'll still get rejected?

i haven't even thought about it yet; what i would feel if he turns me down. how much pain could my heart endure? how would i even handle it? my best friend whom i loved since i was a little kid up until now; how would i accept the reality that he rejected me?

“eru? are you okay?”

i snapped back to reality and looked at tae.
“sorry, i was just thinking about something.”

“the fireworks are about to start in two minutes.” tae said and i just nodded, my heart pounding in my chest.

how will i handle it if taehyung rejects me?

all my efforts will go to waste, my desperation to nothing, my love will crumble and i will never know if i will love another guy besides him.
i don't know. it's just too much to handle.

before i could think about anything more, the skies lit up in wonderful colors as different shapes and forms filled the night sky with loud bangs and sparkling-like sounds emitted by the fireworks itself.



“i.. i have to say something so please look at me.” i said with a shaking voice that he definitely didn't hear much because of the fireworks. he faced me properly now and as i kept looking at his eyes and face, all the more it gives me a heartache.

“what is it, eru?”

“i've been meaning to say this for a long time but i just can't becaus i'm terrified of what would be its outcome.”

tae looked at me, confused.
“you can tell me, eru. i'm listening.”

“i'm in love with you, taehyung.”

there, i finally said it.

i could feel my heart beating so hard in my chest and i could hear it. my hands are sweating so much. i looked at him, hoping for the best and the worst at the same time.

taehyung laughed but not like his usual ‘happy’ laugh. it sounded surprised and nervous to me.
“oh, wow. i.. i don't know what to say to that... i'm sorry. i-i'm really genuinely surprised.”

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