Chapter Twenty-Six Pt. Two

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(A//n: thou  asked and thou shalt receive)

Toshiro impatiently tapped his food, giving the old woman next to him a polite smile. If this were any other time, perhaps, then he would amuse her with small talk, but he couldn't be bothered at the moment.

For the past half hour or so, he had been trying to get ahold of (Y/n), but all he got was her voicemail.

... hopefully he was overreacting by going to her house.

The elderly woman got off on the next stop, which is when an awfully familiar face boarded the train. With a single motion, he caught the other man's attention.

"Yamada," he curtly greeted the blond.

"Oh, fancy seeing you here! What're you up to? Getting a little tourism done?"

Annoyed at his friendly tone, Ito demanded, "Have you talked to (Y/n) recently?"

"Hm? Yeah, I was on the phone with her earli-"

"How long ago?"

"Erm- 40 minutes ago?"


After some interrogation, Toshiro ended up explaining the situation to him. He mentioned how the agency wanted to ensure (Y/n)'s safety from potential villain attacks. Apparently, Yamada believed (Y/n) was with Aizawa, but he wasn't sure.

The thought did little to ease his mind. He was... conflicted about the other man.

When (Y/n) was in the hospital, Aizawa seemed to care about her a great deal, enough so that getting him to leave her side was impossible. Everything that man did convinced Ito of his undying love for her.

Yet... When she called him, he knew something was wrong. No one in their right mind would agree to a life-threatening mission in the middle of the night. Initially, he brushed it off as some lovers quarrel.

The next day, he could've sworn her cheek was swollen. He thought maybe he was imagining it out of the pitiful hope that he still had a chance with her.

Finally reaching her house, he burst through her front door, more than prepared to fight anyone who hurt (Y/n), even if it was her significant other.

"(Y/N)! Where are you!? Why haven't you answer- oh fuck. Shit-"

"(Y/N) ARE YOU O- oh, OH!"

Aizawa had (Y/n) pinned up against the wall, locked in a heated makeout session. (Y/n) didn't waste time in shoving him away from her, panic spread across her face.

Laughing at the scene in front of them, Hizashi pat his friend's back, "Damn Shota, you move fast!"

"Shut up."

Irritated, Toshiro turned to (Y/n), growling, "You know, if you're going to be fucking your boyfriend, the least you could do is let me know, so this doesn't happen. I thought you were in trouble."

"Ah, sorry."


Shutting your eyes for a moment, you attempted to calm yourself down. Toshiro and Hizashi had caught you at a very inconvenient time, but you were managing to compose yourself.

"Um, so what were you trying to contact me about?"


Rolling your eyes at his attitude, you retorted, "Well, you had to have been trying to talk to me about something to not be able to get in contact with me."

"Right. The agency is already getting impatient, and they've sent a little gift."

He held up a thick folder. Taking it, you flipped through a couple of loose pages, just more stuff for you to fill out.

Irrationality (Aizawa x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora