Chapter Twenty

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Saturday, 5:24 a.m. - (Y/n)

The cool air hit your face as you stepped out of the alleyway. Thankfully, there had been a forecast of rain for today, so there would be an extended amount of darkness for the team to work under. Not that it mattered much for you, since you only had a minute before you needed to walk into the enemy's territory.

Before you would die.

Your hand went to your stomach, the slightest tinges of doubt flowing through you. It would have been easier, not knowing... Now, a desire to live, to make amends, to be with Shota flickered wildly throughout your mind.

Running away now would only mean a different torment.

Maybe... Maybe it was a good thing you had lied to him. Otherwise, who knows what you might of done, what he might have convinced you into...

"You ready to go in?" The police chief's voice jolted you.

You gave a sheepish nod, too mistrusting of your voice at the moment.

"Ah, don't look so worried. The entire police force and your fellow heroes are backing you up!"

"Right. I'm just a little nervous, but I'll be fine with everyone that's here."

Wasn't that barely enough last time?

With that, you willed yourself into the building, using every ounce of your strength not to look back.


Turning around, you were met with a thick metal wall, as opposed to the entrance you had just walk through.

Smiling to yourself, you could already imagine the panic of those on the other side. You could hear them desperately banging on the obstacle, probably using their quirks to try to take it down.

"Ah, I see... I never had a chance from the start."

"I'm afraid not my dear."


Saturday, 5:59 a.m. - Shota

Jolting up, Shota woke up in a cold sweat. Something's wrong. Horribly wrong. He fumbled around for his phone, almost dropping it in the process.

"Come on, pick up," he mutter to himself.

His heart pounded harder as each ring sounded off, until he heard.

"The number you have-"


The last time she actually answered her phone was a couple nights ago. After that, she went back to ignoring everything he sent her.

He just wanted to hear her voice. To make sure she was okay.

Falling back onto his bed, Shota let out a groan.

This was ridiculous. Nothing is wrong, (Y/n) said herself the mission is on Wednesday. If anything, he was probably just overreacting.


Regardless, he still checked his feed for any incidents in Kyoto or anything involving her. All that popped up were articles involving the fire at the hero agency and stupid speculations about the relationship between (Y/n) and Ito.

Sighing, he tossed his phone aside. Maybe he was just being paranoid...


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