Chapter Nineteen

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Friday, 8:32 p.m. - Hizashi

Shota, weirdly enough, had invited Hizashi out to dinner. Lately his friend had seemed engrossed in his work, especially with the training camp coming up in about a week or so. Though, he didn't mind because he was getting free food out of it.

A mild silence had fallen between the two as their waitress set down their drinks. Once she had left, Shota decided to break the silence first.

Leaning forward, he raised a quizzical eyebrow, "So, where's (Y/n)?"

Hizashi choked on the water he had been drinking. His eyes watered as he coughed loudly.

"What?" he hoarsely asked, his throat still burning.

"Where is she? Is (Y/n) in Kyoto?"

Laughing nervously, the blond tried to avoid his friend's piercing gaze, "What are you talking about? She disappeared without telling anyone anything, remember?"

"Mm, so I should go to Kyoto?"

Visibly panicking now, he practically shouted, "NO! I mean - there would be news if she was spotted there right? The media would go crazy since-"

"Cut the crap. You're a terrible liar," Shota rolld his eyes, "I know she accepted a suicide mission."

Still grinning uneasily, Hizashi's brain short circuited. Did I... did I tell him? (Y/n)'s gonna kill me.... "How did you find out?" he asked, scared of his answer.

"(Y/n) told me."


"So am I right? She's in Kyoto?"

Not really paying attention to his friend, Hizashi let out a sigh, "Phew, I was worried I had let something slip... what a relief."

"You knew?" he questioned.

"Yes? No! I mean, it's a long story."

Shota lowered his voice, almost growling, "You knew, and you still let her go through with it."

"No! I didn't think she was just going to up and disappear like that! The agency back in Kyoto had been harassing her for months on end, but she had refused to take the mission! Even when Ito was threatening her with the legal system, she didn't consider it. Her resolve was unwavering until... until..." he grew quiet upon realizing why she might've taken the mission.

Burying his face in his hands, the blond groaned, "That doesn't matter actually. Since you already know, I might as well tell you everything."


Friday, 8:56 p.m. - Shota

Pinching the bridge of his nose, the pro hero tried to process all of the information he had been given.

"So basically, (Y/n) and Ito upset a dangerous villain, who almost murdered them last time, broke out of jail and is out to enact revenge? For some reason, Ito is also working for him, and the villain is using information from him to threaten the lives of her family and friends?"

Of course she would throw her life away for the sake of others without a second thought. It was her nature to be so self-sacrificial.


Despite the fact that this really wasn't the time for it, Shota felt betrayed by (Y/n) an Hizashi. There was even the smallest hint of jealousy. All of this had happened right under his nose. He had no idea about the situation she was in, yet Hizashi had known every single detail.

It made sense since the three of them had been friends for a long time now. They each had told things to one while withholding it from the other, but...

(Y/n) had trusted his friend over him. That thought hurt, especially since he was supposed to be the one she could confide anything in... did she not trust him?

"We should go to Kyoto after school ends then."

"Wait what? Aren't you worried about getting in (Y/n)'s way?"

"We're not. Knowing her, she probably used her quirk to ensure that he wouldn't send anyone after us. Besides, we can't let her go through with this. You and I know full well that (Y/n) intends to die there. I can't-" his voice cracked.

The thought of losing (Y/n) was finally setting in. He didn't give a damn if they ended up together or not; he just wanted her to be alive. Life without her would be unbearable.

"We'll take the first train to Kyoto tomorrow... Well, the first one that leaves after school ends."


Saturday, 5:07 a.m. - (Y/n)

"Alright heroes, our job here today is to recapture the villain Gashadokuro and put an end to his control over this city."

Standing next to Toshiro and a rookie, you began to tune out the speech being given by the police chief. He had already given you the details of the mission beforehand.

Everything felt surreal. It was too early in the morning for your brain to properly comprehend the world around you.

There wasn't an option to sleep in for a little longer though. You would just have to manage somehow.

"Now, the hero (H/n) will be leading this mission. Once she gives the signal, we will continue to proceed with the mission. Is that clear?"

Stepping out in front of the group, you smiled, "There will be four different groups. The first three will enter the complex in five minute intervals, while the fourth will remain outside to help the police catch any stray villains. Any questions?"

"Yes, who all is in the first group?"

Another bittersweet smile, "Just me."

The heroes were taken aback by your answer, but you carried on.

"The rest of you should know what groups you belong to-"

"Isn't that dangerous?"

You frowned, "Yes, it's too reckless for any pro hero to be frank. However, this is the plan given to us by the agency, so if there are any more complaints, file it with them."

The police chief stepped in, "We're losing valuable time. We need to leave in 50 seconds."

Nodding to the chief, you began to make your way out of the station.

Someone placed a hand on your back, "Are you sure you want to go in alone? I can go in with you."

"No, it could jeopardize the mission. You should know better than that Van."

"I'm just worried about your safety."

"Don't worry about it. I'll be just fine."

(A//n: ugh, I'm really tired of people right now.)

Irrationality (Aizawa x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن