Chapter Six (Revised)

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Slipping through a dark alleyway, you finally made it to your street. The day had felt abnormally long, which may be partly due to the fact that you were coming home at 1:00 a.m.

Sighing, you began to slowly jog down the street and you noticed that there was a light on in your house. With a newfound enthusiasm, you moved quicker, thinking of how you would get to spend a few minutes with Shouta before getting a few hours of sleep.

Upon entering your house, you called out for him, announcing your presence, but he didn't answer. If he wasn't answering, he probably ended up falling asleep somewhere. You sighed, he always worked too hard.

"It's been a while, Name."

You whipped around to look upon a particularly unwanted intruder, "What are you doing here?!"

"To see you."

Doubting that was the real reason he broke into your house, you only frowned.

"No? Ah, well you should already know why I'm here. Now, sit down and we can talk about it. Maybe even catch up a bit, if we have the time."


Shouta was irritated out of his mind. Not only had the day been aggravating, but he was also forced to be out later than usual because of some petty thief.

The only comfort he had was knowing that Name would still be up, waiting for him. Even if he didn't like the idea of them not getting enough rest just to wait up for him, he found it reassuring especially after a long day. Now, all he wanted was to fall into their arms and carelessly fall asleep.

Quietly entering the house, he paused as voices drifted from the kitchen. He immediately recognized their voice, but the second one was unfamiliar. Who in the world are they talking to?

"Well, I can offer a bit more information that I think will change your decision," a man said.

"I'd rather not hear it."

He chuckled, "You're as stubborn as ever Name, but why so hasty?"

"Oh, you know why."

"Is it because of him?"


"Name if you're worried about your own safety I can assure you that I will protect you no matter-"

"Don't promise that."

"I already did when I fell in love with you-"

Shouta immediately felt a burning sensation rush through him. With an odd feeling in his chest, he began to make his way to the kitchen.

"Alright, that's enough. You know how I feel about you."

The man chuckled," It was worth a try."

"If that's all you-" They paused, noticing that the pro hero had entered the room, and began to make her way towards him," Shouta, it's late. Are you alright?"

"Who is he?"

"Ah, excuse me. My name is Toshiro Ito, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Aizawa. Now can you leave, Ito? Name needs to get some sleep," he glared at the other man. He didn't like him, nor the fact that he was here.

Beginning to make his way to the door, the man smirked," Of course, it's late... Ah, Name, before I leave, if you decide to change your mind on my offer, you know where to find me."

"I doubt I'll change my mind."

Ito paused," Oh, and if it doesn't work out with this guy, you can always come to m-"

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