Chapter Sixteen

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Sunday, 6:28 p.m. - (Y/n)

"My, my, the great (H/n) is back in town."

Whipping around, you were met with an unfamiliar face.

"Ah, where are my manners! The name's Ino," the man grinned, reaching his hand out.

Taking it, you shook his hand. "I guess I don't have to introduce myself then," you laughed, hoping to cover up your nerves.

The door's locked...

"Your fame precedes you, and it seems like you live up to it quite well, " the man said, turning to the board.

"I'm... flattered, but I'm not sure-"

"It's a shame all this hard work will go to waste."

Before you could process what he said, you were sent backwards as his hand made contact with your chin.


"Sorry, but none of this information can be made public. I'm sure you understand."

You stood, ignoring the throbbing in your chin, "You work for Gashadokuro."

Ino grinned, "The one and only."

Barely dodging a knife, you grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be a chair, and hurled it at him. You made a break for the door; your fingertips barely brushed the lock, before you were restrained with chains.

You turned to see him with chains sprouting out of his palms. With a wicked grin, he clenched the chains, causing spikes to form on them. Crying out, you fall to your knees, your vision turning black for a couple of seconds.

"Whoops," he released chains constraining you, "can't have you getting too injured. 'Gotta save you for the boss."

You bit your cheek. Everything seemed to be against your favor, but you needed to get out of this situation and fast.

Time. You needed time.

"Why not come and threaten me himself then?"

"It's a process my dear."

"For what? It seems unnecessary to put together such an elaborate plan. Why not just get rid of me before I can cause any trouble?"

"You're not going to help your situation by stalling."

Dodging his chains, you ran towards him, delivering a swift kick to his ribs. Ino doubled over, gasping for air. Wasting no time, you knocked him over and restrained him.

"Fuck... did you even use your quirk?" He panted.

You shook your head. The pain from your injuries was slowly returning to you.

"How embarrassing..."


Monday, 1:25 a.m. - Hizashi

Hizashi flopped onto his bed. Groaning, he rolled over, reaching for his phone.

8 New Messages
2 Missed Calls
1 New Voicemail

Curiously getting the better of him, he clicked on the voicemail. The blond shot up upon noticing it was from (Y/n).

She had been ignoring his calls and messages ever since she left him that last voicemail. Of course he had to miss her call.

Rolling his eyes at himself, he hastily clicked to listen to it.

"... where are my manners! The name's Ino..."


Hizashi sighed in disappointment. She must have butt dialed him and didn't notice.

Just as he was about to delete the message, he heard, "shame all this hard work will go to waste."

Of course! (Y/n) was in trouble! That's why she called him, so somebody would know, would have proof of what happened to her...

Feeling his stomach drop at that thought, his fingers tightened around the device.

She's okay, right?

He bit his lip. There was only one way of finding out. Pressing the device against his ear, he listened intently to the voicemail.

Most of the message was indiscernible, which the pro figured was mostly a fight. He held his breath until he could finally hear their voices, signifying that she had won.

"... Tell me, does Van work for Gashadokuro?"

Wait a minute-

"First hero to make a deal with the boss when he broke out of jail."

Holy shit-

"Do you feel betrayed, my dear? Hm?"


"He's quite the good dog. There was only one time when he withheld information from us. Had something to do with you, of course."

"What are you talking about?" She spat out.

"Your affiliations. Your mother is currently hospitalized, your father spends most of his time there, and your sister lives in the US with her husband."


"You're also romantically interested in the hero Eraserhead, and good friends with the hero Present Mic."

Hizashi fell out of his bed. How could they have that much information about her personal life? There's no way Ito gave them that much, right?

"You may go ahead and turn me in. Just keep in mind, if any of this information is seen by anyone, say goodbye to all those you love."

Letting his arm fall into his lap, the blond sighed.

He couldn't show this to Shota. The other man, without a doubt, would get on the next train to Kyoto once he put two and two together.

Toshiro had been blackmailing (Y/n) with the lives of her family and friends! Now she was left at the mercy of Gashadokuro, a man who wanted her dead.

If they went to Kyoto, they would only be in her way. Playing right into the hands of that filthy bastard.

For now, he could only trust in his friend's judgement and hope she had some sort of plan to get out of this mess alive...

Argh! Those two weeks made so much more sense now! She was acting weird because she was being pushed into a corner!

He buried his face in his hands. How did he not put everything together?

God, he was such a bad friend. He should have done something while she was still there! Not in Kyoto, where he couldn't help.

Glancing at his phone, he decided to do the next best thing.

Yo (Y/n)! Sorry I missed your call (;'д)...
Let's eat out when you come back! Safe travels~
p.s. call me back when you see this!!! i need your advice!
Sent 1:43 a.m.

He placed his phone on his nightstand, running a hand through his hair. Hopefully, she would see his message and actually call him back.

Until then, he probably should share the voicemail with the police and hope for the best.

(A//n: I feel like I dragged Hizashi's part for too long... also no Shota...)

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