Chapter Twenty-Three

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These past few days have been rough, especially on Hizashi's wallet. He had been taking the train back and forth between Musutafu and Kyoto. Despite the school year having already ended, he still had responsibilities he needed to attend to. Not to mention his radio show.

Shota had to travel less between the two cities. He spent most of his time with (Y/n)

It hurt to see him like that.

To see her like that.

The two were usually so strong. They all were.

But... seeing them like that made Hizashi feel as though his world was falling apart.

It scared him...

Was he going to lose another friend?

(Y/n) had been the strong hold for both of them after... What would happen if she ended up...?


He can't think like that. He needs to be the strong one this time. For the both of them.

Besides, Shota had to leave for the training camp soon. (Y/n) would only have him and Ito to watch over her, and maybe her sister soon too. Hizashi had to show everyone that he knew everything would be okay.

Maybe she'll even wake up soon.

Then they could go back to normal. Third-wheeling sounds like heaven now. Hizashi laughed to himself; he never thought that he'd want to third-wheel those two.

"I'm leaving now."

"Ah-" the blond had been caught off guard.

"Are- are you sure you'll be fine? You don't have to spend all of your free time watching her," Shota awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Pft, come on. You of all people should know that I don't mind at all."

"Well it's just that you're making so many trips-"

"(Y/n)'s just about as important to me as she is you. She's been my friend for longer than I can remember. I'll be fine. Besides, I really doubt that she'll keep us waiting for much longer, and when she wakes up, you'll be the first person I call!"

Shota sighed, "You're right. I'm just being irrational."

"What was that?" Hizashi teased.

"I'm not repeating myself."

"Aw, what? Why not?"

"I'm going to miss my train."

Before the pro hero could leave, Hizashi placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, (Y/n) will be okay. I know she will. You just focus on those kids."



Shota leaned back against his seat, shutting his eyes. He felt drained. These days he had been getting even less sleep than usual. Most of his time had been spent watching (Y/n), hoping he would see some sign of life from her.

Sleeping was difficult too. Every night would be plagued with thoughts that won't leave him be. The bed would make him feel so small, as though something was missing. His sleeping bag felt too constricting.

At this point, he was sure he would just pass out. Exhaustion would outweigh his mind, right?

Bzzt. Bzzt.

Lazily opening his eyes, he checked his phone. (Y/n)'s sister.


"Where is she?"


"Don't be a dumbass! What hospital is she in?"

"Oh," he relayed the name of the hospital to her.

"Geez, thank you! Why was that so hard?"

"Are you on your way to visit her?"

"Yeah, my flight just landed a few minutes ago. I'm still about an hour and a half away from Kyoto... How is she?"

"She hasn't woken up yet if that's what you're asking. The doctors managed to stabilize her, but they're not sure if she'll wake up."

"Do you think she'll wake up?"

He paused, did he? "I don't know."

"... Oh god..." she let out a sob, "The last thing I said to her was 'Fuck you'."

The rest of the conversation was Shota trying to console her sister. Eventually, he was left alone again with his own thoughts.

He couldn't remember the last thing he said to her. Every single conversation became a wave of emotions he wasn't ready to deal with, let alone on the train. Sure the car was empty, but it would be awkward for him to have a breakdown here of all places.

He wished he had talked to her more at the hospital.

There was still so much more he had to say... Now they would have to wait. Hopefully until she woke up...


Hizashi sat on (Y/n)'s bedside. How many times had he been here? How many hours had he spent here? He didn't know. It didn't matter.

"You know, you've caused quite the disturbance. Everyone's worried about you. Nemuri visited already, and a couple of other teachers from U.A. have too. Ito's been in and out. He feels awful. Shota's never really left your bedside... He's really worried about you."

"I was hoping that you would wake up before he left for the camp thing. Didn't happen I guess. That's okay though. Take your time, just don't take too long. We're all extremely worried about you."

"When you wake up, we should all try to eat out together. The three of us. To celebrate, you know? Shota actually proposed it! I was surprised because he's usually such a stick in the mud. It'd be nice since the three of us haven't really done anything together recently."

"There's this new place that opened up. Ito keeps insisting that it's good, but I want to wait for you to wake up to go try it. Well, I guess we have to wait for Shota to come back too huh."

His excitement died down as other emotions began to flood in. Everything he had been holding back. He could feel tears pricking his eyes, threatening to fall.

"Please wake up soon, I don't want to lose another friend...:"

"Urgh... sh- shota?"

"No not him. He's fine, just worried about-" he stopped, realizing that he had gotten a response, "(Y/n)!"

(A//n: read bnha vigilantes y'all)

Irrationality (Aizawa x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant