Chapter Six (Unedited)

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(A//n: Ah, this chapter was extremely difficult to write. I wanted to make the pace of the story quicker, but then felt like I was rushing it way too much. I ended up compromising somewhat... Sorry if it's crappy, but here's the chapter!)

Frowning slightly, you reread an email you received the other day:


To: (h/n)

Subject: Meeting

Time: Yesterday at 9:37 p.m.

Hello HName!

Please do pardon the short notice, but I must request that you come join me for some tea during your conference tomorrow afternoon. There are a few matters of high importance in which I wish to discuss with you.

Thank you for your understanding.


Professional Hero

Principal of U.A. High School

Musutafu, Japan


Thoughts raced wildly through your mind. What could he possibly want to talk about? Am I underperforming in my job as a teacher?... What if he fires me on the spot? What would I do then?

Of course, you were still a professional hero, so losing your job as a teacher wouldn't exactly leave you unemployed. However, getting fired from U.A. would certainly do a number on your reputation, and you weren't sure you  could bounce-

"How long were the two of you dating?" Shouta suddenly asked, dragging you out of your thoughts.

You shook your head, sighing. Honestly, where was his professionalism? The two of you were still in your hero costumes and at school of all places. Granted, the two of you were on lunch, but still. Shouta had also been acting strangely for a few days now, no doubt because of Toshiro.

"Two years," you replied.

The sound of the door opening and closing was accompanied by the louder-than-necessary Hizashi,"Two years what?"

Nodding in Shouta's direction, you said, "Ever since he met my ex, he's been asking so many questions about the whole ordeal. It's insane."

Hizashi lit up with excitement as a wide grin spread across his face," So you're telling me Shouta's jealous!" Without giving you time to answer, the blond ran to bother his friend, "You're jealous aren't you!"

He huffed,"Of course not."

Barely containing his laughter, he turned back to you,"Which one was it?"

Shouta frowned," Which one?"

"Toshiro Ito," you replied, ignoring Aizawa.

Plopping down in a chair, Hizashi frowned, deep in thought,"Is he the hero Van?"

"What do you mean which one? Name-"

"Yep, that's him."

A big smile spread across Hizashi's face as he laughed, "I understand why you're jealous Shouta! That guy is in an entirely different league!"

"I am not jealous," he pouted, turning away slightly.

You giggled. He was cute when he pouted.

"Plus he's smexy," the blond, unfortunately, wiggled his eyebrows at you.

Irrationality (Aizawa x reader)Where stories live. Discover now