Chapter Twenty-Six

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Letting out a shaky breath, you ended the phone call with Hizashi. Ten or so minutes after Shota's strangely brief phone call, the blond called you to see if the other man had ended up at your house, explaining how he had chased after his friend only to lose him in the train station.

While you trusted Aizawa's decision making skills, there was the slightest sliver of concern embedded in your heart, perhaps he was on a train to Kyoto at this very moment. He hadn't the slightest idea of where you are, only that you had woken up, so it was entirely possible he was leaving Musutafu.

You ran your hands through your hair, pulling on the loose strands. What's wrong with me? Why did I put off calling him for so long? This is all my fault...

Relaxing a bit, you allowed your arms to fall down to your sides. It doesn't make sense for him to go to Kyoto. The recent... incident would make it all too risky in the eyes of the public for him to just up and leave like that, the scandal would be too detrimental to U.A.'s already crumbling reputation.

The sharp whistle of the tea kettle made you jump.

Right. You were boiling water.

Quickly grabbing a potholder, you removed the kettle from the fire, using your free hand to turn the fire off before it could burn your forearm. Some tea should help clear your head some.

Mindlessly, you grabbed a mug from the cupboard, filling it with the steaming leaf water. God, it felt like centuries since the last time you had the pleasure of sipping some calming tea. Raising the cup to your lips, you gently blew on it, stopping when you noticed which mug you had grabbed.

Gazing up at the pale sky, you watched snowflakes dance across the sky, a couple decorating your numb face. Today was your last day in Musutafu, before returning to your work studies over the winter break.

"If you keep standing out in the snow like that, you're going to catch a cold."

Humming, you turned around to see Shota, "Oh I'm just enjoying the weather, you can't get sick from that."

"If you stand out in it, you can," he yanked your hood over your head.


"Come on, I'll walk you home."

Huffing, you jogged to catch up with him, "You know, you don't have to walk me home every day."

"Hizashi feels better if one of us walks you home."

You giggled, running ahead of him.


"I'd believe that if Hizashi actually walked me home."

"He does-" he protested.

"Mm, but you're always there."

Shota fell quiet. The two of you continued like this for a while, him walking a few paces behind you.

"Hey, (Y/n)?"


"I, uh- nevermind, it's stupid."

Glancing back at him, you noticed he was stuffing a box into his bag, "What's that?"


Snatching it from him, you investigated the mystery box. It had been wrapped in kitten wrapping paper, and your name was tucked away in the bottom left corner.

"Is this a gift for me?"

He only nodded, his face tinged pink, either from the weather or embarrassment.

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