Chapter Seven (Unedited)

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"Will you forgive me?..."

You grit your teeth as those words replayed in your mind, the image of your mother reaching out to you never quite leaving you. Aggressively, you thrust the door to the hospital rooftop open and slammed it close, not even noticing the cool breeze or the sounds of the city below.

Why, after all this time, could she be asking for that? For forgiveness?

You marched to the edge of the roof. Gripping the railing so hard your fingers turned white, you will yourself to look down to find something, anything, to distract yourself.

Isn't it way too late to ask for something like that? You had already moved out of the house long ago, your sister had even left the country, and you had already tried to forgive her, to give her a second chance, yet she threw it in your face!

Now, she lays in a hospital bed, possibly her death bed, only her poor husband and eldest daughter show up, her youngest nowhere to be seen, and she asks for forgiveness from you.

Did you forgive her? Of course.

She was your mother after all, and even though she wasn't the best, she tried to become better. To be a good mother. She just couldn't escape from the devil that was alcohol.

Blinking, you noticed a hot tear make its way down your face, closely followed by another one. Your knees immediately gave out underneath you, and you fell into a sitting position.




You brought your knees up to your chest, and began to sob. Resting your forehead on your arms, your emotions absorbed you.


"If you stay like that any longer, you're going to be late to our little date." Toshiro landed softly behind you. "... Hey,... are you alright? What happened?"

You stiffened at his voice. You didn't want him of all people to see you like this. What were you supposed to do?

He placed a gentle arm around your shoulders and sat down next to you, "(Y/n)?..."

Wiping your face, you spoke, your voice cracking," I- my mom..." Your eyes welled up with tears again, spilling over once more.

"Oh (Y/n), it's okay. It's okay..." He pulled you into a hug.

Unwillingly, you melted into the hug, and sobbed into his shoulder, until your tears stopped. Pulling away, you dried your face using your sleeve. Abashed at how quickly you had let your ex of all people comfort you like that, you stood up.

Following suit, he stood,"Are you-"

"Yes, thank you..."

He brought you into a hug," If you ever need to talk, you can always talk to me. Just know that."

You began to pull away slightly, Shota coming to mind-

"Oh my God, it's the hero Van and (H/n)!" a voice came, closely followed by the unnerving sound of a camera click.


"Time to go," Van quickly wrapped an arm around you, and jumped off the roof.

You wrapped your arms around him, as you felt the steady roof underneath you disappear. With the wind rushing past you, you shut your eyes and waited for your feet to reach solid ground.

Is that picture going to go viral? What's the media going to say about it? How am I going to deal with everyone asking about- What about Shota? What is he-

Irrationality (Aizawa x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu