Chapter Eight (Unedited)

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Fiddling with the collar of your hero suit, you entered the school. Shota, whether purposefully or not, had given you a hickey last night. Of course you had covered it (either with your hero costume or with make-up), but you were still anxious about coming to teach with it, as you were worried that someone might notice it.

You entered the faculty room, bracing yourself for Mic's daily 'GOOD MORNING!'. Instead, you were immediately yanked out of the room. Unable to gather your bearing, you stumbled in the direction this person was dragging you towards, until you were finally pulled into an empty classroom.

"(Y/n) what the hell!" they whispered furiously after shutting the door.

"What?" you asked confused. You blinked a few times before recognizing Hizashi.

He quickly opened his phone and showed you the picture of you and Toshiro, before whispering" 'Van and (H/n) caught cuddling.'??? I thought you were visiting your mom and then going to Shota's place?!?"

You groaned. Yesterday's events had totally slipped your mind, "I was visiting my mom. I was on the hospital roof when he popped out of nowhere and decided to hug me."

You were probably going to need to write an official statement about the matter today.

"Why were you on the hospital roof?"

"Erm... I was just..." you sighed," thinking."

"Geez, I can't believe this guy, trying to make a move on his ex when she's crying on a hospital roof." He crossed his arms, muttering, "Someone should really kick his ass."

You paused, "I never said I was crying."

The blond glanced at you, "Your eyes are really puffy."

Limited sleep, crying, a hickey. Honestly, you probably looked like a horrible mess, so why were you so surprised that your eyes are puffy?

"Ah, fuck."

"Language (Y/n)! It's not that bad. You don't look like a total disaster."

You hit him.

"Hey!" Hizashi laughed, "I'm just trying to make you feel better."


"(Y/n) I didn't think you were the type to be in a secret relationship!" Midnight exclaimed, much to your discomfort.

Turning away from the computer, you forced a laugh, "I honestly don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh come on! It's all over the news!"

Dammit..., you really wanted to avoid anymore conversations about it,... but having people assuming you're in a relationship with Toshiro of all people is probably worse.

Another awkward laugh, "Oh you mean that. We're not actually dating. I was upset about some personal matters, and he tried to comfort me."

"Oh you don't have to hide anything from me~"

"I'm not really. We're not to-"

"You two would make a really great couple. He's extremely handsome and you're beautiful. Not to mention that you are both fairly popular heroes! Just imagine if the two of you had kids!"

"Midnight, no-"

"Aizawa, don't you think (H/n) and Van would make a cute couple?"

He slammed his hands onto the desk, "It's none of your business Midnight." Pouting, he stormed out of the room.

"What's go him so worked up?" She frowned.

"Just try not to mention Van around him anymore. He gets really upset," Hizashi butt in.

Irrationality (Aizawa x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora