Chapter Twelve

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Sunday, 5:52 - Hizashi

Concerned about (Y/n) after last night's fiasco, Hizashi found himself outside of her house. Despite the fact that he had managed to find Shota, there was still this gnawing feeling at the back of his mind. It made him anxious.

He had been knocking for a while now and was getting even more worried. Checking his watch, he frowned. It was still way too early for her to have left the house. He stood up on his toes, straining to peek into the quiet house. Stumbling back, he fell onto his but. Her body was sprawled out on the other side of the door.

"Holy shit!" What do I do?

Lurching forward, he began to bang furiously on the door, hoping— no, begging that she would wake up. What happened? Why was she passed out like that? Did she have secret health problems that she was hiding from everyone else? Was this... it?

He tumbled forwards as the door swung open.

"Hizashi?" she croaked, "What are y-"

Tears pricked his eyes as relief coursed through him.

"(Y/N)! I WAS SO WORRIED-" he threw himself at her, tightly wrapping his arms around her, "-I THOUGHT- I THOUGHT that..."

"So you have to be so loud?" she mumbled.

He laughed, "Yeah, I do."

She groaned as he dragged her into the kitchen, "It's too early for this."

Pushing her into a chair, maybe a little too harshly, he began to dig through her cabinets for cups. Thankfully, she didn't notice his treatment of her, opting to nurse her head instead.

"Why are you here?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

Placing two mugs down, he grabbed a kettle, filled it with water, and placed it on the stove. He figured she would need something relaxing after what happened last night, and tea was the best he could do at the moment.

He furrowed his brows, "Why? I'm worried about you. These past few weeks have been really harsh to you, especially with whatever happened last night."

"Sure seems that way."

The blond sighed, opening a few drawers to look for some pain relievers. (Y/n) was always so dismissive when it came to her own emotions, never revealing how horrible she felt nor what she was going through. It felt as though she thought her emotions were insignificant, always brushing it off with 'it's fine' or 'it doesn't really matter'.

Of course, he had managed to get her to open up to him, seeing as he is her best friend after all. It was gradual and a pain, but she eventually ended up calling him or seeking him out to talk about things that troubled her. But, she would resort to her old habits whenever something really shook her up...

He wished Shota was here.

For some reason, (Y/n) had a much easier time opening up to Aizawa. If Hizashi had to guess, the main reason would have been when she spent the night with him after the incident... Whatever happened between the two of them that night had certainly made them closer. To be honest, he was the slightest bit jealous that he had been left out.

"What are you looking for? You're making so much noise." Her voice brought him out of his thoughts.

Sheepishly, he grinned, "For some pain medicine, you look like you could use some."

She massaged her temples, "Oh, uhm, the bathroom. I can get it-"

"I'll go get it then."

Recently, she had been pushing everyone away. Lying to both Shota and Hizashi, avoiding any and all conversations involving emotions, and being especially vague when it came to anything in her life.

Irrationality (Aizawa x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang