Happy ending?

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It turned out that Charlie had been secretly dating Leah for two weeks. I didn't really care. However, lots of Bambinos did. At first they thought it was me, until I had to psychically spell it out for them. That I'm not even 14 yet! Harvey told me that he didn't want anyone at the moment as he was happy with the friends he had. Oh, and he's moving to Liverpool! only 25 mins away from my house! But me and Leo, we seriously love each other. I mean, I thought I knew everything about him. But, little did I know that he talks in his sleep and wears 'Hugo Boss' aftershave. All I've always known is that I love Leondre Antonio Devries and I'm pretty sure that he loves me back. That bracelet he bought that time, I've wore it everyday ever since. Oh, we tracked the bullies down from Leo's phone! it turns out that it was 15 year old boys from his previous school who were jealous because their girlfriends had crushes on him. They've got a criminal record and I'm so glad! I never want to see: Harvey on the floor again. Leo in a hospital bed, or Charlie with a bandaged arm. I want them to be mine, but most importantly be safe. Charlie hadn't cut in One week and thinks he'll never do it again. I really believe in him. With Harvey, were taking it one step at a time. He's always lying to us so sometimes I'll have to sit him down so he can tell me how he truthfully feels instead of saying "fine". He said he doesn't like seeing counsellors because he only trusts his family and friends. We've planned to go to Spain next year! I literally can't wait! the whole alphadog family's going for nearly two weeks! It'll be amazing! I'm so thankful to all the Bambinos that ship Lace! (Leo & Grace). I really don't like hate and I'm so sorry if you're jealous of me but I can't help it! So, I think that's it!


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