Leondre in Costa ☕️

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When they came out Charlie went back to bed and Leondre sat on the couch on his phone. I came over to him and put my arm around him I whispered. "Let's get changed and go outside,babe." so I put some black leggings on and a thick white jumper. I through my hair up in a ponytail and put my hunter wellies on and went outside. Leo just simply slipped his feet into Adidas trainers and put a beanie on. We held hands and went to the bottom floor. We found that there was a costa in the hotel so we went as bought coffees. "Why are we here at 5 in the morning?" asked Leo.
"I heard you two fighting and I wanted to speak to you,"
"Oh my god. You heard that?" I shook my head and replied,"I only heard you when you were in the bathroom,"
He sat me on his knee and kissed me on the lips. It was amazing. His breath smelt like coffee but tasted like Oreos. His body smelt like Lynx body spray and felt warm and soft. He held me close and wouldn't let go. He told me that I was his special princess and that he never wanted to let me go. I pulled off his beanie and let my fingers mess up his hair. He bit my lip and let out a tiny smile. I backed away slowly and whispered,"don't let these coffees go to waste!" so we took our coffees up to the suite and curled up into bed. We got Ryan's laptop which we'd borrowed before and watched Netflix. Although, halfway through I fell asleep.

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