Make it go away...

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I looked down on my phone. It was 12:30 am. I was really tired but I stayed up for Leo. I decided to go inside his room. He was sleeping. I noticed his phone on the side. I wondered why it was there. But, I picked it up and went through his messages. Because, I needed something to keep me awake. There was an unknown number saying,"I'll kill you," and another from a different number saying,"Your raps are shit,just like you," I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I ran outside the room to see Charlie and Joey. Charlie was asleep but Joey was sitting up on his phone. I handed him the phone as I cried. Charlie must have heard me as he he opened his eyes. He realised where he was and shot up. "Grace, what's happened?" I sat on his knee and cried for ages. Until blurting,"Leo's been getting messages sent to him with death threats!" Joey shot up after reading them and went into Leo's room. He sat on the chair and watched him sleep. "This is a disaster,Charlie. Please make it go away," I told him as I cried in his chest. "I wish I could, babe," he answered as he rocked me close.

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