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When we got home, it was 8:30. My mum asked Harvey if he'd had something to eat and he said that he'd had a McDonalds.

So, we brought down the blow up mattress and loads of quilts. We agreed that Harvey would sleep on one couch, and Charlie would sleep on the other.

I'd sleep on the mattress with Leo. We looked for DVDs and chose 'Home Alone'. We drank tea and sat on the couches while we were watching.

Charlie was on the end, then Leo, then me then Harvey. Half way through the film, Harvey put his arm around me and held me tight.

He smiled and kissed me on the head. I rested my head on his chest and I actually fell asleep. At midnight, I woke up to the sound of giggling.

It was Harvey and Charlie. I lifted my head up and smiled. "Did you have a nice sleep, princess?" it was Charlie in his cute pyjamas.

I nodded and smiled. I looked at Harvey and kissed him on the cheek. I was still in my clothes so I said. "I'll be right back. "

So I ran upstairs and looked in on my mum who was watching TV in her room.

I said "Are you okay?" she replied "Yeah,I'm fine. You?" I nodded with a huge grin and walked into my room.

I put my pyjamas on and grabbed my makeup wipes. I warned Charlie that I looked ugly without makeup and he held my arms, pulled me onto the couch and said "Don't worry, babe. That's impossible."

I laughed and started taking my makeup off, that's when I notice Leo fast asleep with a tiny snore.

I said, "Aww. Look at Leondre! he's fast asleep! When did he go to sleep?"

"Just after you." answered Charlie.

At 1:00 am Harvey went to sleep so there was just me and Charlie left. We went into the kitchen and made popcorn and lemonade.

While I was turning on the microwave he stood behind me, put his hands around my waist and sang the chorus of 'Shining Star' closely to my ear. It was amazing.

We curled up on his couch with the quilt and our popcorn and lemonade. We got my laptop and watched the 'The Fault In Our Stars' till 2:45 am.

Then, he look at me and smiled. I smiled back and got in the little mattress. I put my arm around Leo and kissed him on the head and he opened his eyes lightly and smiled before he held me close the whole night...

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