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Suddenly, a Middle Aged male doctor came out to tell us what had happened. "He's been very badly hurt. A gang must have stopped him whilst he was walking to somewhere. They've punched his gut several times hence he's had trouble breathing. They'd banged his face against the railings of the park and threatened him with a knife." We nodded and sat there,stunned. Charlie walked over to comfort Harvey who looked saddened. Charlie looked up at his mum when I remembered! My mum didn't know where I was! So, I got out my phone and dialled the number.
Mum: where the hell are you?
Me: ermm, mum. Leo's been in an accident.
Mum: what do you mean?
Me: well, he got beat up outside the park and has been badly injured. I'm in Liverpool hospital. I'll be home tomorrow.
Mum; do you want me to come?
Me: not till tomorrow.
Mum: okay, bye sweetie.
Me: bye..

Victoria and Joey went into see him. When they came out, they looked devastated. I comforted Joey but 5 mins later Harvey asked if I'd come with him to see Leo. So, we walked in to see a fragile body lying on a hospital bed. Bruised face and plasters all over him. "Thankyou," he said to me when I waked in. "You're welcome. " I replied while my hands were still shaking. "Do you know when you'll be coming home?" asked Harvey. "Tuesday. So, two days," Leo whispered and winked. Even though he could barely talk, he still had his cute playful personality that I loved. "Leo, did you know the boys who attacked you?" I asked, worriedly. "Nah, I think they were much older than me. I couldn't really tell. They just came over and threw me on the floor. Things like that would happen everyday to me Grace. But it's never gotten this bad!" he said as he looked down. Harvey put his hand on his while he cried.

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