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~~~~~Friday Morning ~~~~~~

I woke up at 9:00 am. Leo was staying over but he was awake anyway. We eat waffles for breakfast. Though, we weren't that hungry. Then, we got ready. Harvey begged us to take him out when he gets discharged so we decided that we'd go to the cinemas! I wore: My pink flowy top, black leggings, my leather jacket and white converse. I had my hair down put braided at the front and pretty silver bangles sitting on my wrist. I was REALLY excited to see Harvey. He's been so depressed stuck in that Mental Health unit, so, I figured coming out would make him smile!

At 11:30, we all went off to the hospital. Dan, Joey, Ryan,Ollie, Jordi, Andy, Charlie, Leo and me. At 12:00 he came back. We wet straight to the pictures. The kids sat at the front while the others sat behind us. Charlie, Harvey, me and Leo on the other end. It was so much fun!! (Oh, and Harvey parents were at the back as well.) After the film, we decided that the "Famous Four" (me, Leo, Charlie and Harvey) would go shopping for a bit. When we went into Subway, there were a few fans coming over. Then, I noticed the fan from hospital. At first I just simply smiled and hugged her. Until, I looked over at Charlie, that is! his face was bright red with embarrassment and he was kind of hiding. "What?" I asked as his hands were by his face. "N..nothing.." he stuttered as he looked at the girl. "Are you two dating or something?" asked Leo as he stated the obvious. "N,no! Leo. Don't go accusing people like that!" said Charlie, but you could tell he was lying. Suddenly, I realised. "Oh yeah, that's what you were on about on that bus!!" He smacked his leg, very very gently and said "shut up!" as he got embarrassed. Me and Harvey laughed at him while Leo did the "eyebrow" expression.

Harvey was staying in a hotel with his family tonight. I was staying with Leondre and Charlie. We just ate biscuits and played on our phones all night. We seemed so more relaxed now that everyone was happy ✨.

Harvey, Charlie or Leo?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora