Jordi and Diagnosis

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Suddenly, we heard Dan and Jordi outside. We were asked to leave so the doctors could speak to them. Usually, I'd fan girl like hell. But, I was in too much shock. While Dan was talking to Harv, Jordi came to speak to us
"Well,he had a stroke whilst he was sleeping. Luckily he's okay. He has an illness which I can't actually pronounce. It means his blood system doesn't work like it should. You can take pills but it's still serious. He may need treatment depending on how well he reacts to medication,"
He started crying. I sat him on a chair and hugged him hard. I could see Harvey through the window crying. With Dan hugging him. I held Leo's hand while Charlie and Jordi went outside to tell Harvey's parents who were in Kent and the alphadog family. When we could speak to Harvey, he said that he won't be able to sing for a long while. We told him that all we care about is him being okay.

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