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We went to bed at 11:30 as we were tired from the morning. In the middle of the night, Harvey put his arm around me accidentally. But, when he realised it was me he smiled and pulled me closer. It was magical.

When I woke up it was 12:00 am. There were two notes in the self catering area.
Note one: Went to science museum. C u later! -Mum x
Note two: Be back soon. - Harv ♥️
As I was on my own, I decided to take a nice shower and do myself up. I washed my hair and washed my face with the expensive soap in the baskets. When I'd finished I dried my hair and done my makeup. I put a cute skater dress on and my mint blue flats. I took off my nail varnish and re - applied my nail varnish in a baby pink colour. I put my pandora bracelet on and walked into the lounge. I couldn't see Harvey but I noticed a little blue box on the table. When I looked over I saw it was a Tiffany bag! It was gorgeous. There was a pretty note in front with the text 'Early birthday present. Just nipped to Starbucks - Harv x' I squealed quietly. I pulled out the box and opened it up. Inside, was a gorgeous pair of earrings. They sparkled in the light. They wear tiny studs with cute little diamonds in the middle. I loved them. I put them on in excitement. "Do you like them?" asked a familiar voice behind me. I jumped up onto him with tears pricking my eyes. "Thankyou! thankyou, so so much!" he laughed and replied,"You're welcome beautiful!"

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