Hes Coming home ~ they love me

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The next day we got a call from Charlie and it turns out Harvey can come home! He weren't in the mood for traveling so we decided to stay in the hotel again to keep him company. Overload were staying next door to make sure we're okay. And, Harvey's parents were staying in the room below. We had our gorgeous suite again so I shared a bed with Charlie and Leo shared with Harvey.
"Harv, why did you have a stroke?"
I asked quietly while I snuggled next to him. "Well, I hadn't really been eating for the past two days and. When I came out the doctors, I went the off licence drunk a bottle of vodka. Also, I cut really deep this time. I was scared babe. I still am..." he replied. I wrapped my arm around his neck and sat beside him. I looked into his eyes and said,"Harvey. Never cut again. You deserve more than this. "He nodded and smiled he turned 'round to see Leo crying behind his hands. Charlie got up and gave him a hug.
"I could get quite sick in the next few months. I love you all," we all hugged and watched TV for a few hours.

At around 4:30 am I woke up to the sound of whispering. It was Leo and Charlie. I was about to get up when I realised the sound of anger in there voided. They went into the bathroom and started talking in a normal tone.
Leo: but your 16! I love her Charlie.
Charlie: everyone always goes for you
Leo: that's not true
Charlie: she's the only girl I've ever loved.
Leo: whatever.

I couldn't believe it. I hope they were talking about me :')

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