Taxi and Jordi ✌️

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When the paramedics got here they grabbed his wrist to find his pulse. Obviously, when they did they noticed his self harm scars.
"Do you guys know when he did this?"
"About an hour ago," I replied
"Right, okay. What's his name?"
"Harvey" answered Charlie.
"Right. Harvey? can you hear me? My names Phil. Can you hear me?"
...He remained silent...
Then, they put a breathing mask on him and he started coughing. We breathed a sigh of relief. They put him on a stretcher and took him in the ambulance. Charlie went with him and me and Leo got a taxi. He was crying hysterically. "Leo. Calm down. He's okay. We'll find out what happened now, anway. Let's ring Blair," he passed me his iPhone and I rang Dan as I realised he was closer
Dan: Hello?
Me: Erm. Hi, it's me Grace from the hotel?
Dan: oh hi. What's up?
Me: we were in the hotel when Harvey decided to go to bed. Only, he never woke up. We rang an ambulance and were just on our way to the hospital. Charlie went with them.
Dan: oh my god. Okay, me and jordi will be there in an hour!

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