Ryan ✨

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The next day, we noticed Ryan had been in London. So, as he was going too. We asked if he could take us. He agreed and picked us up at 12:45.

When we got there, Harvey's mum had mock tails on a tray at the door. I found it quite funny but held my laughter all the same. We walked in and saw Harvey's family. He was messing around but I was smiling and hugging people. "Are you a vegetarian, darling?" asked Harvey's mum. I replied, "God,no. I'll eat practically anything." She nodded and shouted, "Lasagne in half an hour," we sat around the table and Ryan picked us back up at 6:50. When we got back up to the hotel we realised we were going back home tonight! Ryan told my mum he'd take us to the station.

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