He wont wake up...

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Suddenly, Leondre came back with food smuggled in his bag. So, we sat in our own huge lounge and stuffed our face. Then, Harvey came out the bathroom. He looked awful. His eyes were all red and his face was pale. His hands were shaking and his wrists were full of blood! "Oh My God! Harvey what did you do?" I said as I jumped up with horror. Leo put his burger down and hugged him like I've never seen him do before. "No no no. Harvey stop" shouted Leo and he started crying. he looked down and said "Don't worry mate. It's fine honestly..." I replied, "Of course Hun. Just, I think you should go back to bed, hey? You only slept for 2 hours this morning. Go on. I bet you don't feel like eating anyway." He nodded and climbed into the huge bed.

Around 30 mins later, Charlie came in and I dragged him onto our gorgeous balcony as I told him what happened. He nodded and told me to ring Blair. So, I passed him his phone from the table and he rang him. Suddenly, I heard Leo screaming from inside. I ran to see what had happened. He was standing next to Harvey crying. He managed to say, "Harvey won't wake up!". Charlie dropped his phone on the floor and ran inside. He took the blanket off him and was shouting "Harv? Harvey, mate? Can you hear me?" he was shaking the whole time. He was breathing but his face was paler than ever. I rang for an ambulance and hugged Leo. "You're so amazing. Do you know that? Trust me, Harvey will be okay. I know he will!"

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