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I found out the girls name was Becky and we actually held hands whilst we followed Jenny (the shopping assistant).

She popped her head around a door whilst we sat on chairs about 6/7 feet away.

She then walked into the room and shut the door behind her. She came back and told us that they're too busy and we'd be here all day waiting.

I looked at her and bursted into tears. It felt like my world had just crashed down on top of me.

Becky, on the other hand, got really frustrated. I told her to calm down and she hugged me tight and whispered in my ear,
"Remember what Jordi Whitworth told us? Never give up without a fight!".

So, we sat back on the chairs and waited. Suddenly, I remember the reason I was actually here.

So I rang my mum and told her what was happening and she told me to meet her at 5:30. It was currently 3:00 so hopefully I'd be able to meet them.

Then, Jenny came up to us and told us that waiting wouldn't be worth it as they're leaving through a different door for VIPs in 5 mins.

That's when I started crying hysterically. Knowing that my idols were on the other side of a wall and I couldn't go and see him.

Becky put her arm around me and started crying too. I was really embarrassed because I have a REALLY LOUD cry so they could probably hear.

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