Hiltons and Harvey

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When I realised it was the Hilton's I melted. I'd never been to such a luxurious hotel in my whole life!

It was beautiful! With chandeliers in the foyer and gorgeous Yankee candles in the rooms. When you go into the en - suite bathroom there's bottles of expensive shampoo and soap.

We checked in and went up to their room where Dan was doing a you now with Harvey Cantwell!

I waked out the room and screamed quite loudly. Then, I walked in casually and I couldn't help but hug Harvey!

He turned around a stared into my eyes. He smiled and said,"Hey gorgeous. What's your name?".

I blushed and explained,"Oh,hey! yeah, my names Grace." He nodded and held my waist, he kinda dragged me to his side before pulling me onto his knee!

I couldn't believe it! he said, "Wow! you're light!" I let out my famous flirty giggle and flung my arm around his aftershave coated Neck.

"You smell nice." I said shyly.
"Thank you. It's Hugo Boss!" I found his hand and held it tight. I whispered,

"I've got to go and help the boys pack. We're coming back to my place."

He looked disappointed and said "Aww. I want to come too, " he said it in a baby playful way but his eyes sparkled in the light.

I texted my mum and asked her if he could stay. Finally, she gave up and let him as my brothers were out with my dad on a football weekend.

We took all of their clothes, said bye to Dan (I couldn't resist a selfie) and we left.

My mum was in the foyer talking to the woman at the desk. "Are we going?" I smiled, nodded and walked through the huge doors.

We got into our 7 seated car and turned the radio on to Hopeful! We laughed and started dancing. Suddenly, Leo started rapping really loudly and we were in hysterics.

Harvey, Charlie or Leo?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang