#59: TaeKook; Love of my Life

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TaeKook One Shot


Have you ever watched the sun rising in the morning? Or the setting of this ball and its giving way to the darkness of the night? Or maybe the intentional dropping of chosen and rarest stars in the sky by the gods? Or the water that splashing at the seashore? Or maybe the birds that are flying off from the quite post and to the open and wide air?

Maybe they are very simple and nonchalant to your ears but they did not work the same way as it worked with the young boy who grew up in a hospital in the town. His world is surrounded by white lights and grieving lame walls which did not hold any purpose nor worth for all he could was black and only black. Sometimes they would manage to bear colors because of the simple flowers that some acquaintances would bring or the fruits that are delivered by others. But all of it was put to waste for they die almost too soon and the person who's meant to see them could not actually do so.

This is how did the young boy build his childhood inside the white lame room and with no one except his nurse and his own parents. but they, too, passed like flowers losing their beauty. They stopped coming and visiting when he entered his 15th year of existence in this world.

"Love of my life..." whispered the one young man who's sitting at the other side of the bench. Slowly, he brought his eyes to his side and to the man who's busy with scribbling something on his little notebook. He had a unique deep voice where if you would listen, it's like he's smiling with his eyes that he himself could not bear what it actually bears to say.

"You've hurt me... You've broken my heart..." Whispered by the man again and he listened to the soft strokes of the pencil against the papers on the small notebook in that man's hand with every word that he said. "And now you leave me..."

That day, the man with round and dark eyes could not forget what he had heard that day. Again and again, repeating inside his ears are the lyrics that has been released by the likely soft lips that the man owned even though he hadn't even seen them even for a glimpse. Again and again, inside his head, the voice repeated together with the song.

He once more heard it on radio. Maybe one under the possession of the new patient using the room just next to his own. Every morning, it repeats and repeats until he did memorize and understood each syllable and letter. "Love of my life... can't you see..."

"Bring it back... bring it back," he whispered in the air while his eyes never shifted from the sky that seemed to have its colors now. "Don't take it away from me..."

"Because..." with his shock, he moved his head and heard the same voice of the same man that he heard once. "You don't know..."

Days had passed and the moon made its cycle. The song is continuously playing from the other room. He would hear the small steps of the happy man who would visit his room.

One by one, he listened to the songs of the birds and the sounds of the crumbling leaves under someone's feet. Even the water at the shore using whatever apparatus is that man using. Until one different day.

he went out of his room. He could hear, for the last time, the deep and soulful voice together with the screeching of the wheels of the bed that the nurses used when something is happening while they delivered him from his room to the end of the halls. "What it means to me..."

That's the last time that that song played from the other room that once brought life to the nearly dead flowers of that unworthy vase.

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