Chapter 37

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Four years ago

"I get it," Arlo says, taking a swig of his beer. "But I'm telling you it's a bad idea. Don't think it'll have the effect you're wanting."

"Of course it will," I say. "There's no building, there's no school."

"Not that simple." Arlo swallows, letting out a sigh. "They'd just rebuild. You'd be the only one in trouble."

"Yeah but the kids," I say. "They'll wake up. Realize it's all a scam, you know? A total bullshit scam."

"And then what?" Arlo meets my eyes. "Suppose it did work out. Then what? You'd have a bunch of uneducated kids walking around. Then they grow up. No credentials. End up homeless. School's not fun, Olly. But it's what we've got to work with."

"Fun?" I gulp down the rest of my can, slam it against the ground. "This isn't about fun. Kids would learn more on the streets than in these shitty schools."

"But it's not really about learning, anymore," Arlo says. "People rarely use their degrees in real life. It's more about the status. What the degree says about the person. Self-disciplined, hard-working, patient, things like that. Reputation."

"Yeah, and that's fucked up," I say. "That some people are viewed as better for something so bullshit. That we have to do certain things and be certain things for people to accept us."

Fuck, I don't know why I'm so angry. When it started. Who brought this up.

"Well, you're oversimplifying it." He opens his window. Lights a cigarette. Then frowns at the look I give him. "Mom's out until later. I'll just spray something after. Anyway, It's more nuanced than that."

He takes a drag, and I open another can since the energy is hard to kick tonight. And I'd just go for a run, but I really want to hear this. Whatever Arlo's gonna say.

"See, if you want a functional society, you've gotta create structure, right? Rules to hold it together."

I'm already bored. Angry and bored. Damn. I was hoping for something less like a lecture. But it's Arlo so I guess he can't help it.

"So we've set certain values. Qualities we know to be useful to society. And schools teach kids how to fit in. Survive, and then give back. That's kind of the point, I think."

"Fit in," I say. "See? That. That's fucked up. We should be able to be whoever we are. Do whatever we love. Screw them for trying to turn us into work mules."

Arlo gives me a funny look. "This isn't about the school system, is it?"

I just sit here with my mouth open. Then I close it. Not about school? What else... That makes me think a bit. Maybe too much. I don't know. I hit something along the way. No words, but it doesn't feel great.

"Nevermind. Look, I get what you're saying," he says. "Really do. The system is flawed. Definitely corrupt in areas. I just..."

I down the rest of the can. He's trying to meet my eyes, but I don't look at him.

"I just don't want you to get in trouble." He lets his breath out. "Serious trouble. The kind that could get you locked up."

Locked up. What a fucking joke. I open another can. And change the topic. He's gonna try to make me promise not to do it. Which I can't do. I keep my promises.

"Hold out for college. It'll be different," Arlo says after a break in the conversation. He leans closer to me, nodding. "Things will get better. You've just gotta get away from your house, Olly."

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