Chapter 33

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(Saturday, May 18)

"Heart failure."

Where am I? I can't open my eyes, but I'd recognize that scent anywhere. Kirk. Stronger than anything else in the room. Guess that answers the question, then. The hospital. Fuck.

"No." Another voice. A girl's. Not Elle. Familiar, though. "No. That doesn't make any sense. She was fine. Just a minute ago. There has to be a mistake."

"I'm so sorry." Kirk's voice is quiet. "We've done everything we can."

"Let me see her." Oh. That's it. It's Celeste. "I want to see her right now."

I can smell her fear. Anger. Stronger than her perfume.

"Of course," Kirk says. "You are welcome to pay your respects."

"There has to be something you can do."

Arlo? What's going on? Who are they talking about? What?

"I'm sorry."

I smell the salt before I hear Celeste sobbing.

"Please," Arlo says, "this doesn't make sense. Like she said, Elle was fine in the car. Worried, but fine."

Elle? Respects? What? What does he mean, was? Was fine? What are they saying?

I try to move. Open my eyes. Anything. But I can't. I can't.

"I'm going to see her," Celeste says, before the creak of the door sounds.

"If I may..." Kirk talks after she's gone.

"What?" Arlo asks. His voice is hollow.

"Oliver isn't doing well, either. His condition is critical."

Arlo doesn't answer. But I can hear his breath. Heavier.

"We'll be moving him to the ICU, until further notice."

"He'll..." Arlo takes a second to finish. "He'll be okay. Right?"


"Perhaps you should check on your friend," Kirk says. "She seemed distressed."

"He'll be okay," Arlo repeats.

"There's...there's no way to be certain," Kirk says. "Most doctors would paint a prettier truth, but I find loved ones appreciate honesty in the long run."

A heavy thump against the wall. I think it's Arlo.

"I'm..." Arlo pauses. "Can I have a moment with him?"

"A moment," Kirk says. "The sooner we get him moved, the better."

"Thanks," Arlo says.

Then the door creaks again.

There are footsteps, the sound of a stool. Arlo's breath tickles my ear as he lets out a sigh.


I wait for the lecture. The demand for me to be okay. A threat, maybe.

But...but it's just a sob. Arlo grips my arm, and I feel his face a second later, smothered against my shoulder.

"Olly," he says again. I'm trying. Trying so hard to move. To speak. But it doesn't matter. Whatever I do, it doesn't matter.

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