A Word From The Author:

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Prepare for a rollercoaster. Writing Alive was probably the craziest, most ambitious journey I've ever taken. Reading it will be no less than a wild ride, I'm sure. But before you get going, I thought I'd put a little word in, addressing some of the content in this book.

First, Alive covers some sensitive topics including mental illness, panic attacks, suicide, sex, minor drug use, abuse, and rape. Not one of these topics has been romanticized in any way, nor written gratuitously. I worked hard to achieve a balance between honesty and modesty. I say this not only as a sort of trigger warning but because the prose is written in such a way that might be construed as Young Adult Literature. While I believe many teens could handle this book, I would advise a parent to read it first, or to at least be present to help a younger person process the heavy content. (Also parents, in case you are sensitive to strong language, there is some of that, as well.) Alive is primarily an Adult novel.

Second, I'd like to highlight the topic of mental illness for a minute. I want to be clear that while these characters display symptoms of bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, they are in no way intended to be a blanket statement for these illnesses. Oliver's symptoms have confused doctors for his entire life and Elle has never even seen a therapist, nor does she ever claim to have a legitimate case of OCD.

This book is meant more as a general examination of mental illness in the way it affects our self-perception and identity. It is not meant to inform readers of everything regarding these particular illnesses, nor should we assume that any two people with a shared disorder are alike. Psychological disorders come in so many different forms; it would be impossible to represent all expressions of a single illness with just one person.

My hope is that while those struggling with their mental health might not necessarily see their own symptoms in Oliver or Elle, they might recognize that they are not alone in the struggle itself. That those who have never experienced it might catch a glimpse of what it can be like to battle against your own mind. That all of us will come together with new compassion and encourage each other through listening and loving.

Finally, my readers, know that you are loved. You are beautiful. You are capable. You are precious. And you are strong. I hope this book helps you feel just a little more of all those things.

If you are struggling with depression, thoughts of self-harm, anxiety, or any kind of darkness, please reach out. Your loved ones care so much more than you know.


Adolescent Suicide Hotline: 800-621-4000

Family Violence Prevention Center: 1-800-313-1310

Help Finding a Therapist: 1-800-THERAPIST (1-800-843-7274)

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)

Rape (People Against Rape): 1-800-877-7252

Suicide & Crisis Hotline: 1-800-999-9999

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK

Much love,

Lisa E Slack

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