Chapter 29

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(Friday, May 17)

My leg. My fucking leg. What's happening to me? What's fucking happening to me? It's gone. This isn't just a bad dream. Something I'll wake up from. It's gone. It's not coming back. I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life. Me, the freak show with a robotic leg and super senses. Fucking put me in a circus already.

I'm running. And it's clumsy at first because I can move this leg but the touch receptors are dull. The ground is under me, but it still feels like I'm suspended. Held up. I don't know. But it's weird, so I just run faster. Try to get used to it. Ignore it. Get away from Elle because fuck she's the last person I wanted to see me like this. The last person I wanted to see. I don't think I'll ever forget that look on her face. That look...

I just want to hide. Lock myself away and never come out. So I know exactly where I'm going. I need my cave. Even if it's an hour away and my lungs are going to explode. I don't care. I don't fucking care. I'll die if I have to. Right now I want to. Right now I don't even feel real. And my ears hurt. They're aching, like it's a cold day and the wind is nipping at them, except it's a fucking warm spring night.

I've made it across the parking lot and into a cluster of trees. But I have to pause, catch my breath, double over because fucking hell everything hurts. Hurts. And my ears.

I reach up to rub them, try to warm them up. But my hair's covering them, so I try to brush it aside a couple times. It won't budge, and I get frustrated and grab it, yank it back. Then yell.

Fuck. Fuck. No. What the hell? I swallow, then reach for my phone. Except I left it in the hospital room and I'm outside practically naked, and now I have no way to tell for sure but...


Elle. Her voice rings through my head, followed by something like bad feedback on an amp, but the next time she calls I can hear every decibel. Everything in it. Her fear. Her determination. She has something to say, and I want to hear it, I need to hear it, but...

I reach up again, running my hands over my ears. And I'm tugging against the hair. There's just a little. Like the peach fuzz grew out at the tops, which is a pretty gross mental image. I don't really care about that part, though. Because I don't usually go around groping my ears, so this is just a wild guess, but my ears don't feel like their original shape, either. They're...longer. I think. That's all I have time to think before I have to duck down because Elle's reached the outskirts of the trees.

I smell her before I hear her, and I hear her before I see her. But now I'm just watching her over my arm, my back to her. I can see her face. Her lips, parting as they form my name over and over. My heart lurches, and it's all I can do to hold still. So much of me wants to run to her. Throw my arms around her. Wipe her tears away and tell her I'll make everything okay.


I can't, right? I fucking can't. I'm not good enough for Elle. I wasn't before. And now... I look down at my leg. Rub my ear again. Whatever this is, it's even worse I think. So much worse. Elle was right. Fucking right to tell me to leave. I'm just a burden on her.

People like me aren't made for relationships. When did I forget that? What made me think I was capable of anything else?

"Go home, Elle," I say. Force the words out as I squeeze my eyes shut. It's better. Better if she forgets me and everything and all of this. Move on with her life before I destroy it.

She stops calling, but she doesn't move either. She's just standing there, and now I can hear her breath. Heavy, breaking into a sob every couple seconds.

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