Character information: Son Gohan

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This alternate future version of Gohan diverts its original counter part at the moment when the androids killed him in the city. That moment triggered Future Trunks transformation into a super saiyan.

In this Gohans past, that did not happen. Gohan survived and lived to fight another day.

After that fight Gohan took more time training Trunks and worked him harder than ever before causing him to turn into a super saiyan.

While Trunks went back in time Gohan staid and fought the androids again, only for him to escape just barely with his life.

He recovered just in time for Trunks to return to the future.

His recent battle with the androids made him realize that his presence in his time was pointless, so he accompanied Trunks to the past.

His presence did not change anything timeline wise except for his past self gaining note confidence that he had when only Trunks had returned.

After his fathers past self recovered from the heart virus that threatened his life, he accompanied both his father and his past self in the time chamber.

There he became as strong as his past self, maybe even stronger.

Then the cell games began and his fathers fight was the same, his past self fight was the same all the way until he transformed into a super saiyan two and began to torment cell.

This Gohan watched as his father sacrificed his life one last time for his family and friends.

And when cell returned and killed Trunks, Vegeta wasn't the only one who was enraged.

Gohan ascended to a super saiyan two, just as his past self had down not hours earlier.

Together they, with the help of their father, killed Cell.

After Trunks was revived, the two made their way back to the future to finally rid themselves of the androids.

The two future saiyan hybrids engaged the androids and disposed of them with ease.

Then they disposed of the future Cell and the world was at peace for a time.

Then came the supreme Kai and his assistant Kabito.

They warned the halflings of Babidi and Dabura and took them to train for the fight against them.

There Gohan pulled the Z-Sword as had in the past.

And just like the past, the legendary weapon broke when pitted against the metal summoned by the supreme kai.

Now the freed elder kai  appeared and sensed the power in Gohan.

But it was at this time that Babidi and Dabura made their move.

Gohan was instructed to remain with the elder kai so that he could awaken the power that laid dormant in him while Trunks, Kabito, and the supreme Kai went to combat the new threat.

While the ceremony ticked by, Trunks, the supreme kai, and Kabito managed to take the sealed Majin Buu to a secluded area to await Gohans arrival.

This worked for almost an entire 24 hours.

On the last hour Dabura found them and the fight ensued.

The fight lasted long enough for Gohans power to be awoken and he used his fathers instant transmission to make it back to earth.

But even with his new power and speed he didn't make it in time and the supreme kai and Kabito both died to Daburas hands.

But Majin Buu was still sealed away.

Dabura turned his attention to Trunks but Gohan arrived just in time to stop his ensuing attack.

Gohan easily dispatched Dabura while Trunks approached Babidi.

But Babidi used his magic to send Trunks somewhere else, far, far away.

Gohan did not realized this and killed Babidi before he could try and seduce Gohan to let him live in return for Trunk's return.

Gohan and Bulma spent the next few months searching for him. Only for the Zamasu possessed Trunks to return and start the destruction all over again.

Gohan returned to the past once more  after this Trunks Black had ascended into super saiyan rosé far earlier than Goku Black had in Trunk's time.

Even with all his newfound power, Gohan was still outmatched.

So he went back to the past and recruited the help of the now god empowered Goku and Vegeta.

But not before he spent some quality time with his past self's family, enjoying what he could have had.

But, the three powerful saiyans returned to the future where they fought Trunks Black and eventually Gohans times Zamasu.

Then everything was revealed and Gohan went mad, he found a deeper power to his potential and pulled it from the depths of his anger.

But, somehow, Trunks Black already knew he had that kind of power and he easily dominated him.

But Gohan was just strong enough to contend with the divine duo long enough for Vegeta and Goku to go back the past to train.

They were gone for a few hours and Gohan did everything he could to delay them.

After escaping the two gods, Gohan managed to follow them silently back to their home.

Gohan managed to surprise the two and destroy the home after a moderate time of waiting for them to both be in range of the house.

A small fight ensued and Gohan delayed them until he felt his fathers and Vegetas ki's.

He drew the two gods back to the city where they all fought in an all out war until the two gods fused and turned into fused Zamasu.

With the arrival of the past supreme kai and Gowasu, Goku and Vegeta fused into Vegito after all attempts to fight Zamasu where stopped.

Gohan sat on the side lines, beaten to the point he couldn't hold his mystic (or ultimate or potential unleashed, what ever you want to call it) state any longer. He watched Vegito toy with the brute of a god for maybe ten minutes before the unfused fifty minutes early.

The now mis-portioned god was about to strike them both down when Trunks stumbled across Trunk's sword, the one he had always used, the one Trunks Black had used to fight him.

He pulled the sword from under the rocks it was confined in and found the strength to stand.

With what little power he had left, he turned into a super saiyan and channeled all the power could muster into the blade turning it bright gold with power.

Goku and Vegeta offered him what little power they had left and Gohan fought the god until he finally struck him and sliced him in half.

All of them exhausted were only greeted with Zamasu's immortal soul spreading across the universe.

Goku pulled one last trick out of his sleeve and summoned Zeno, the king of all, from Gohans time.

Unamused by Zamasu and finding him to be ugly, Zeno erased him from existence along with the entire universe he corrupted.

Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks all went back in time to their past where future Gohan dropped them off.

He made one last goodbye to everyone before trying to head to the universe Beerus had made when he erased their Zamasu only to be transported to Remnant where, in his weaken state, stood no chance against the mechanical Tuffles Baby and was swiftly defeated after a short battle.

He was saved by Black and GT Vegeta, and from here we all know what happened next.

If you want to follow Gohan on his journey with his assortment of dimensionally displaced comrades, tune into the next chapter: The Vytal Tournament begins! Family feuds!

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