My little bitch-chan~ (Laito)

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A/N: Hey! Here is Laito for you DevilishVampireAngel-san~

As usual you went to night school with the Sakamaki siblings and of course your tormentor or rather your self-proclaimed owner Laito Sakamaki, has kept you in his sights and you can't help but think he's gotten territorial around you like that time when you spent your time together with Kou and when a girl bullies you Laito would give her the worst pain she had never experienced and you also noticed he didn't flirt and sleep with his slutty fangirls and instead he opted to tease and flirt with you with occasional kisses here and there and you have decided to ask him about his change of behaviour so here you are on the school rooftop and infront of him asking, "Why is your attitude towards your fangirls suddenly cold and distant?"

Laito just gave a chuckle of amusement before saying, "Because they're not interesting and feisty like my little bitch-chan~ and also you've become my favorite girl fufu."

Then you were gaping at him not believing what you heard.

"My little bitch-chan..."
"Also you've become my favorite girl fufu."

His words repeated in your head like a mantra and you can't help but feel...special after all you are his little bitch-chan and to think he finds you interesting and feisty made you feel a foreign emotion towards him and that is Love.

And as you were standing there gaping like a fish he suddenly pulled you in a warm and affecionate embrace and whispered in your ear,
"I love you (y/n)-chan."

And after you finished gaping like a fish you returned his embrace and said, "I love you too Laito-kun." after hearing your response let's just say Laito had showed his 'love and gratitude' to you for loving and caring for him.

Behind the scenes:

Me: This is my best work so far.

Laito: Fufufu~Bitch-chan I have to say not bad~

Me: Why thank you Laito-kun.

Kou: Ne neko-chan when am I going to appear?~

Me: Once you are requested by the readers Kou-kun.

Yuma:Oi sow better make sure I get panties for my story.

Me: Tch.Yuma-kun I will not work on your story if you continue to be a pervert.

Yuma: Tch, Fine.

Me:Well dear readers hope you enjoyed this one-shot and if you want I can make a first dates series in this story as a second part of the previous characters I previously worked on and see you next time brides of the sakamaki and mukami siblings~

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