Eternal Peace (Reiji)

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A bit of angst becuz why not


Hidden within the deranged peaceful silence, a black cradle swaying with too much trust
"If...there is an end...I want you to tell me," the meaningless answer within your pure eyes.

Reiji looked at your cold body in the coffin, seeing your peaceful expression made him frown.

Like softly crushing a tarnished silver rose in my hands
If we could forget the cruel pain of fate, I could drain you without noticing how severely lethal it is
This darkness endless cycle―――......

He then found faded fang marks on your pale neck and gently traced it, "Forgive me..." He whispered.

Sleeping quietly, the scars left behind on your neck
Even if the point when the tears overflowed is an eternal curse,
Now this preciousness and this pain are sleeping within our hearts.

Reiji wondered why he suddenly apologized, "...I truly am a fool..." He mumbled and traced your face gently, "I hope to be forgiven once I follow you to the afterlife."

In the distorted moonlight, if I could laugh...driven by the doubt of the memory of this blood.

Reiji then lowered himself and kissed your cold forehead, hoping to at least see you just wake up and feel warm, but no matter what, he cannot undo his sin.

No one will be forgiven...once I taste your sweet red bloodstained scars.

The bespectacled male remembered the way your scars refused to heal, he knew it was his doing yet he didn't take responsibility for it.

"I apologize... For being a selfish creature..." He knelt down near your coffin and slowly let his tears fall down to your white dress.

Even if we reach the dark abyss at the end of these feelings we'd dreamt of,
Now this preciousness and this pain are sleeping within our hearts.

He knew he wouldn't be graced with an answer but he continued to apologize nonetheless.

He knew you deserved eternal peace.


The song is Gin no Bara by Reiji ;u;

The others sang it and this song reveals their fucking feelings uGH. Reiji's version won my heart ;-;

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