Light ( Kanato)

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Bittersweet. It was a word to describe your life. But, there were times when life was very kind. As of now, you were treated like a doll by Laito, always manipulating, drinking blood from. You had tried to resist but, he had slapped you as a result.

It hurt on your neck and thighs........he had decided to drink blood from both places, weakening you of your energy or possibly your life. But, someone was willing to save you and cherish you for life. That boy loves you yet you were like snow, so beautiful but cold. He wanted to be your light and it had happened. Kanato was very happy when that happened, but Laito had drained you of your blood about two pints, and you were lying down on the soft white sheets of the hospital bed, sleeping because while there was blood on the blood bag connected to your hand, you lost a lot of blood and you needed your full energy.

Kanato was pissed. His own brother will feel a lot of pain and suffering for what he did. He knew you were just resting. You'll wake up soon. But, for now he shall avenge you, his life, his love, his everything. He will avenge you as your light and most importantly your lover.

Yes. Justice shall be made.

A/N: here is kanato for you Cr33py_Pasta_L0ver! Hope u enjoyed it!

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