I only desire you (Ruki)

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A/N: Yo I'm back! and today I'll do ruki since he's a bit easy well hope you enjoy it Wittyfairy~

Today was another ordinary for you well if by ordinary means it involves you being eye raped by Ruki then yes it is ordinary  indeed and what gave you the chills is that he would stare at you with a weird glint in his eyes that would cause you to stutter, and promptly leave him staring at you in amusement then yes cue shudders and blushing to be a bitch and attack you well let's see what the (h/c) girl is up to.

~Time skip~

It is now 4:00 in the afternoon and you were just about to go outside and stroll around the garden until a familiar voice suddenly said, "Where are you going (y/n)?" Then you realized it was Ruki so you turned around and stuttered out, "R-Ruki-kun fancy seeing you here! I thought you were asleep considering it's still day time! Hahahahah!"

With that said you slowly walked backwards and he just walked forward taking slow but long strides and you were beginning to panic since a very sexy yet suspicious smirk has made it's way to his face and as you continued to walk backwards your back had to hit the damn wall!

Then Ruki pinned you there and said,

"The reason I am awake dear (y/n) is because I decided to do claim what rightfully belongs to me."

"And that is?"

"You of course."

After your short answer and question conversation you saw lust, need, passion, and love in his eyes and before you could say anything he carried you bridal style to his room and he said,

"I will enjoy this greatly and so will you (y/n)-koi."

After that your face was a tomato and during that night he had said that he only desired you.

A/N: And FIN.well please comment and review~

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