Lovely melody ( Shu)

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A/N: Here is Shu for you Ninarui-san! Hope you enjoy it~

You were playing the piano and you were creating a beautiful sonata while Shu was there at the door frame and as you were playing each key you didn't notice Shu approaching you till he wrapped his arms around your waist which caused you to stop playing the piano and he said, "Hm.not bad you made a lovely melody and will you be mine (y/n)?"

After that you were quite shocked the person you love has loved you back! And you turned around and looked into his deep blue eyes and saw love and affection which made you feel happy so without a second thought you replied to him, "Yes Shu I'll be yours."

And with your words alone he gave you a small smile and continued to hug you while nuzzling your neck.

Behind the scenes:

Me: Wow! I've created a good one this time!

Ayato: Tch.It had to be Shu first and while ore-sama has not been in the spotlight.

Laito: Ne Bitch-chan when am I going next?~

Me: Be patient you two and you're both the best so I'll save you for last.

Ayato & Laito: Fine/Hai Bitch-chan~

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