Did u know?? (rant)

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So Diabolik Lovers was supposed to be a yuri game xDD OH GOD HAHA imagine Ayato calling Yui a flat gurl then ironically, Ayato was also flat xD

Btw, I'd play this even if it's yuri ya know. I mean, I'm so open minded it scares me sometimes.

But then again, you have to go with what sales. Not gonna argue there. Diabolik lovers won't be really bought if it's yuri because yaoi and het are mostly common and popular. I've never seen a yuri game before.

Not going against yuri fans tbh. Just stating the facts of sales rules and stuff. Now unless a yuri game was made and actually clicked in the sales area, then there would be yuri in DL too.

Smh. Anyways, I actually want yuri too :v I mean, why not try out a different type of game for once? Something never been tried before. Sadly, the fans would kill me xD

Peace out guys~

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