Tangled Strings (Laito + you + Kou)

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Even two lost strings of fate can be tied to one person.

Maybe the two were destined to share you?

Or perhaps, you have already decided?

Each tug on the strings tangle them together, thus mixing the fates of three individuals.

Two vampires and one human.

Such combination doesn't mix. The life span, the way of living and beliefs are too different.

To them, God is an illusion along with love.

For you, God exists and love is wonderful.

So how did your fates get intertwined together? Was it because you befriended them?

Showed them a different side of their monochrome world?

Or maybe, it was just your mere existence itself that made their  cold hearts beat?

"Silly bitch-chan... Smiling while looking all pale and bloody..." Laito murmured, staring at your grave stone, his eyes sorrowful as a sad smile was on his face.

Kou didn't say anything but let his tears fall.

Why did you protect your own abusive sibling? You're simply kind and it cost you your life.

Laito knelt down and cried as Kou grit his teeth and clenched his fists.

Now your tangled strings are cut, once again seperated, never to reunite again.

Fate is such a cruel thing.


Im so sorry for le angst ;n;

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