You're mine only (Ayato)

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Ayato was mad. How dare that lazy-ass touch you! Damn that Shu! He saw you being hugged by Shu from behind, it boiled his possessiveness, He never did like that nii-san of his to begin with. All he wanted to do was rip Shu apart (A/N: How dark, Ayato *0*) but, he knows better than to kill Shu, it would be suicide itself. But still, it's disgusting to see him pat your head and give you compliments (A/N: Ayato, plz, Shu is bae).


You were going to sleep when Ayato suddenly appeared and pinned you on your bed. "What the?! Bakayato?! WTF?!" (A/N: BAKAyato =w=), Ayato didn't say anything but instead licked your neck while you blushed and tried to push him off of you.

It was silent for awhile till he said, "Oi, (y/n), don't go near Shu, remember this, you're MINE only."

You just blushed more and nodded, secretly happy that he admitted his feelings for you, indirectly (★u★)

A/N: Here is Ayato for you! Sorry for the lateness, my grandma was sick so I had took care of her, also hope ya enjoyed it ;)

★★Extra scenes★★

Me: *le types* Kek, this is tough *drinks Slurpee*
Laito: *looks at me* Arre~ Author-chan, you seem tired~
Reiji: Oi woman, it's not healthy to use your tablet while eating or drinking
Me: *looks at Reiji blankly* Screw health shyet, I'm doing this for your fans, be grateful four-eyed vampire

★★End =w=★★

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