My Doctor

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*The Doctors POV*

I woke up without Alex next to me, but I saw her at her desk. I rubbed my eyes, "good morning, love." She looked over and smiled at me, going back to whatever she was doing. "Did you sleep at all?"

"No." Lex didn't look up at me. Her tongue was poking out of her mouth just a tad. I could tell she was very focused.

I titled my head at Lex, "sweetheart, you really should get some sleep. Come on." I motioned for her to come into bed with me.

"Not tired." Alex shrugged, continuing writing. Alex is always tired. She can take a nap anywhere, anytime. One time, I found Alex napping on a pool floaty, in the middle of the pool! Whatever happened in her dream last night, must've scared the daylights out of her.

"Is it because of the dream you had last night?" I bit my lip, hoping that Lex would finally tell me what happened.

"No." She hesitated. As much as I wanted Alex to talk to me about it, I knew better than to be nosy about it. I'd be causing more damage than anything.

I got out of Alexs bed, going over to her, "what're you doing?" I put my hands on her shoulders, titling my head at the pictures. "Where did you get all of these?" I picked a couple up, they were pictures of us. Nobody has ever taken a picture of me and Alex before. Well, anyone besides me, my sonic takes pictures. Not that anyone needs to know. But I'm almost positive that Alex has never taken one of us either.

"My wand." Lex shrugged and looked up at me, "my wand takes pictures just like your sonic." So she does know... Whoops. Alex was writing on the back of a photo and I went to grab it, but she pulled it away from me. "It's a secret." Alex held the picture close to her heart.

I threw my hands up in defense, "alright, alright." Lex looked up at me, I could tell she was upset. I tucked her hair behind her ear, kissing her forehead. "I'm going to the console."

"I'll come with you." Alex got out of her chair, following me out her bedroom door. She grabbed my hand, dragging me to the console. I want to know what happened in that dream. I need to know. Alex gets terribly bored when I work on the Tardis. She usually just goes to the library or to the kitchen.

I went under the grated floor and to my surprise, Alex followed me. I messed around with some wires, staring at Lex out of the corner of my eye. She's actually paying attention. She doesn't look bored either, she looks genuinely interested. "Do you want to help?" Lex nodded and I showed her the wires. "See this black one? If you attach it to the purple wire, then it makes the shower water cold." I attached them, "let's hope no one is in the shower."

"Doctor!" I heard Rose scream, I laughed, expecting Alex to laugh as well. I frowned, she didn't. I kissed the top of her head and sighed. "Lex?" She looked up at me, "are you having those thoughts again?"

"No. I told you I'd tell you if I was." Alex turned away from me, staring at the wires.

"Then what is it? What's wrong? You know you can tell me." Alexs eyes suddenly widened, throwing her hand over her mouth. She climbed out of the floor, running towards the bathroom, me directly behind her. Alex threw the toilet seat up, vomiting... Again. Maybe she thought about her dream and got sick? Or maybe she just has a little stomach flu. Maybe it's because she got no sleep? Maybe it's her thoughts? I pulled her hair out of her face, rubbing her back.

Alex finished and pulled away from me, brushing her teeth. "Are you alright?" She turned to me and raised her eyebrows. "Okay, stupid question. Do you need anything?" Alex shook her head, washing off her tooth brush and throwing it away. Alex shook her head and walked out of the bathroom, "Lex, you need sleep." I crossed my arms at her. She gave me a look, but crawled into bed. "I'm going back to the console, alright?" Alex sat up out of bed, "don't even try it. You need to go to sleep and I have to fix the hot water for Rose. I'll come back once I'm done." I kissed her forehead and walked out of Alexs room.

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