The Perfect Date

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*Alex's POV*

We hurried to the location of the mayor. I was right! I knew the Slitheen were back. I knew they were trying to take over again. Jack threw up his hands, explaining his plan. Um. My plan is so much better. Just drop a nuke on her ass. Perfect right? "According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorious, masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit. Okay, plan of attack, we assume a basic fifty seven fifty six strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor. Doctor, you go face to face, that'll designate exit One, Rose and I will cover exit two," Course Jack would make Rose go with him. "Mickey Smith, you take exit three and Russo, you just stand here with your wand. Have you got that?" I'd much rather have a gun, but I guess my wand works too.

"Excuse me. Who's in charge?" The Doctor rolled his eyes at Jack.

"Sorry." Jack mumbled, he turned to me, "awaiting orders, ma'am." Ah, thank god someone finally notices my abilities.

"Right. Here's the plan." I turned to the Doctor, "I'm going face to face with the Slitheen and you're gonna stand here and patiently wait for us." The Doctor's eyes widened at me and he tilted his head, "problem?" I crossed my arms at him.

The Doctor slightly lifted his hands in defense, "nice plan." He nodded to me. "Anything else?"

"Present arms." Jack grinned as we all whipped out our phones.

"Ready!" We nodded to each other.

"Speed dial?"

"Yup." The Doctor said popping out the 'p'.

"Ready." Rose nodded.

"Let's go kick some Slitheen ass." I giggled, "again."

"Check." Mickey Mouse said nervously. Maybe I should stay with Mickey instead? He seems unsure.

"See ya in hell." Jack laughed like a crazy bitch as him and Rose ran off to their exit together. Mickey groaned miserably as he ran to his exit.

"You know it's not too late to switch exits." The Doctor raised his eyebrows at me.

"In your dreams, big ears." I walked straight into the mayor's office, walking over to the man outside her office. "Hi!" I tried to sound pleasant, "I've come to see the Lord Mayor."

"Have you got an appointment?" I tilted my head at him, do I look like the type of girl to have an appointment, no? No.

"Nah," I flipped my hair out of my face, "I'm just an old friend, heard she's been successful, wanted to congratulate her. Bit of a surprise, can't wait to see her face!" I laughed in the man's face. This man is taking forever. Just wobble into her office and tell Margaret her favorite Wizard is back.

The man nodded, "well, she's just having a cup of tea." Ah good, knew you'd see it my way.

"Just go in there, and tell her Alex Russo would like to see her." I giggled at him.

"That name sounds familiar." Well no shit buddy, I've fucked up a lot, now hurry up and get the fat lady behind the chair. I gave him a nice smile and tilted my head to the side.

"Tell her exactly that. Alex Russo." I motioned for the man to go and get the mayor.

He stood up and hurried over to the door, "hold on a tick." He opened the doors to the office and went inside. I put my hands on my hips, patiently waiting for my dear old friend to welcome me into her office. I giggled, hearing a teacup breaking. Always had a feeling this mayor was a clutz. The man came back out and he seemed slightly flustered.

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