Say Goodbye To Your Magic

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*Alex's POV*

I was sitting sideways on the jump seat, my legs hanging off the back, playing with my wand. I bit my lip and giggled. 'I bet he would know the answer to this mystery'. I thought to myself. "Hey, Doctor? I have a question."

"Yes?" He was under the grated floor, messing with the Tardis' wires.

"Is the Loch Ness Monster real?"

I giggled as the Doctor popped his head out of the floor, squinting his eyes at me. He had a 'did you seriously just ask me that' look on his face. Don't look at me like that! That's a valid question. "Yes."

"Really?!" I felt my eyes bugging out of my head. I need to see the Loch Ness Monster. I need to. "Can we go to Scotland?"

"Seriously? Out of all of time and space you want to go to Scotland to see some prehistoric monster?" The Doctor rolled his eyes at me, going back under the grated floor. Hey! The Loch Ness Monster is badass!

"Yes!" I heard him scoff back at me. I laid down on the floor, sticking my head in the open space, letting my hair hang upside down. "Pleaseee. It's my birthday we have too."

"It's not your birthday." The Doctor continued playing with the wires, not looking at me. Yeah, you're right, it's not.

"Yes, it is. You don't even know your own girlfriends birthday?" I pouted at him.

The Doctor turned his head and bit his lip. He hurried back up and walked over to the monitor. "Alex, it's not your birthday. Your birthday isn't even for another six months." He crossed his arms at me.

"What's your point?" The Doctor chuckled and shook his head at me. "Please?" I poked his arm continuously, earning an eye roll.

"I don't even know where it is. I set it free." He shrugged at me.

"Well, why would you do that?" I pouted at him. Rose came over and sat in the jump seat. I turned around to face her, "Rose, wouldn't you like to go and see the Loch Ness Monster?"

"Oh yeah! That would be so much fun!" Rose had a huge grin on her face. "Are we going to Scotland?"

I pointed to the Doctor, "he doesn't want to."

"Really? Huge monster, huge teeth, huge appetite, probably really dangerous, and you don't want to? That's a bit rich coming from you, if you ask me."

"Yeah and he set it free!" I crossed my arms at the Doctor.

"Well, why would you do that?" Rose raised her eyebrows at him.

"That's what I said! Come on! It can be fun! We could have a stake out!" I exclaimed.

I gave him my best puppy eyes. The Doctor groaned miserably, "fine."

I clapped and jumped up and down. "Yay!"

"But not today." How rude.

"Awe." Rose and I pouted.

"Some kind of signal is drawing the Tardis off course."

"Maybe it's Nessie." The Doctor rolled his eyes at me. What? It totally could be.

The Tardis materialized somewhere and we stepped out, looking around. "Where are we?" I asked the Doctor.

"Earth, Utah, North America. About half a mile underground."

"And when are we?" Rose questioned.


"God, that's so close, I should be twenty six and you would be thirty one." Rose pointed to me. Ew.

I made a gagging noise with my mouth, continuing to walk around the museum. "Someone's got a hobby." Besides the Doctor, who the hell would want all this alien shit?

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