See Ya Suckers.

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*Alex's POV*

I sat down on a bench, staring at the water. I won. I won all for nothing. Justin's in the Wizard World, he took over for Professor Crumbs. Max still runs the sub station with mom and dad. Harper married Zeke. She's got a family of her own now. Jack hates me. My twin brother actually hates me. God, I miss Jack. I wish I could tell him how sorry I was, but there's no point. I messed up.

Mason's gone. He left me for Juliet. It's funny, I knew all along that Mason was still in love with her. I even let him back into my life like an idiot. After we helped Justin find Juliet, and Mason told her he still loved her, I cut the cord. But seeing him again, putting the love necklace on him, seeing that he still loved me, was perfectly enough for me to welcome him back in my life with open arms. I only rejoined the Family Wizard Competition so I could be with Mason. I guess that was a waste of my time. It was only ever going to be Juliet.

I moved to London almost a year ago. I had to get away from New York. So many unwanted memories there. It was time for me to grow up and put my past behind me. I live in a small apartment at the Powell Estate. I don't really talk to anyone here but Mickey Smith. I'm very close to Mickey Mouse. He's almost like another big brother. His girlfriend Rose is pretty cool too. We've gone shopping together, gone for drinks, she comes over crying when her and Mickey get into arguments, but I wouldn't call her my best friend. I haven't really had a 'girl best friend' since Harper got married. Man, do I miss Harper. Rose and her mom Jackie keep trying to find out what I'm hiding, which I guess is another reason I don't look to Rose as someone close to me. Like I would tell them I'm a Wizard. I don't wanna get my hands cut off.

The people here are a lot nicer than in the city. The way these civilians walk around, totally carefree. I wish I could be carefree. Mom and dad want me to move back home. They say that I'm in the need of family right now, but that's not true. I wanted to get away, I needed to get away.

I'm twenty four now and still a mess, but at least I've started figuring myself out a bit. I wanted to go to school for my degree in teaching. I really wanted to train young Wizard, much like what dad did for us. But, school isn't for me. It never was.

"Alex?" I snapped back into reality, shaking my head as Mickey Mouse's girlfriend, Rose, snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Alex? What're you doing here? Why are you out this late?"

"Went for a stroll." Rose crossed her arms, not believing me. She never believes me when she sees me out of my apartment, cause I rarely leave. Rose's right not too. Not to toot my own horn, but a lot of crazy shit happens in London, and I'm always here to protect it. The people here should be happy that I'm always saving it. 'I should write the government a letter, asking for a thank you'. I smirked at my joke. I peered over her shoulder, seeing someone I've actually seen a lot around London. "Who's your friend?"

"I'm the Doctor." What kinda name is that? He smiled at me as he fixed his leather jacket. He was tall, looked about mid forties, had short dark hair, and blue eyes. He's got nice eyes, I can see them from here. Damn.

"If you are alien how come you sound like you're from the north?" Rose turned her attention back to this so-called 'Doctor' person. Interesting, 'alien', noted.

"Lots of planets have a north!" This apparent, 'alien' rolled his eyes at Rose. I squinted mine at him, not knowing if I should trust this man or even believe him for that matter.

"What's a police public call box?" Rose pointed to a blue box. My eyes widened, how could I not notice that it was there this whole time? No. It wasn't there before. I'm not that smart, but I know it wasn't. Hang on. Those panels, the disguise. I can smell the time vortex off that thing, is that a Tardis? How the fuck does this human, alien, or whatever the fuck blue eyed man is, have a Tardis?

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