Russo and Harkness

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Backstory!!!! Feel free to skip:)

*Jacks POV*

"Come on, Jack. I told you last time you did this that if you took advantage of you powers and used them for mischief, I was getting you a guardian Wizard." My grandfather shook his head at me.

"I don't want one! I don't need a guardian Wizard! I make perfectly good choices without one!" I tried defending myself. Grandfather gave me a stern look and I knew I had no chance of talking him out of it. It really sucks having your grandfather in charge of Wiztech and on the Wizard Council. I can't do anything fun with magic.

"Come on." He shoved me through someone's portal.

"Professor Crumbs!" A guy with short dark hair smiled at grandfather. "What're you doing here? Is something wrong? Did Alex do something again?" I groaned, this kid seems like such a geek.

"Everything's fine, Justin." He turned to this heavy dude in front of a chalkboard, "I'm sorry for interrupting your lesson, Jerry." The man who I'm assuming is Jerry, nodded and grandfather continued, "Justin, this is my grandson, Jack. I want you to teach him to not rely on magic for everything and to not use it selfishly."

"Wow! This is going to be great!" I rolled my eyes, great. He is a nerd.

"Jack will be staying with you for a month." He turned back to the geek, "when I come back, I want him like you." Thanks. 'I want him like you,' that's never going to happen. Not in this or any other lifetime.

There was a loud yawn behind me. I turned around to see a girl dressed in sweatpants and her hair all messy. "Sorry I'm late, I was too busy sleeping." Her eyes lit up when she saw grandfather, "Professor Crumbs!"

"Hello Alex." Grandfather grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, "and keep Alex far away from Jack." He nodded to Justin. What's wrong with her? Why can't I talk to her?

"Just because you're whispering, doesn't mean I can't hear you." Alex crossed her arms.

"You were supposed to. Jack, I'll see you in a month." Grandfather flashed himself out. I sighed, this is really gonna suck.

"Jack, why did Professor Crumbs make you come here?" Jerry raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well, I was at Wiztech and I turned one of my professors into a dog. According to grandfather, that was the last straw." Alex burst out laughing, getting glares from Justin and Jerry.

"Your grandfather is Professor Crumbs?" Alex raised her eyebrows at me. I sighed and nodded. "That must suck." She scrunched up her face in disgust.

"Believe me, it does." Can't pick who your family is. I held my hand out, "Jack Harkness."

She raised her eyebrows at me, staring at my hand, "Alex Russo." She slapped my hand instead of shaking it. I laughed at her, my kinda girl.

"And with that being said," Jerry scratched the back of his head, "Alex, don't go near Jack." Jerry pointed to her, who just shrugged and sat down on the couch. They have a nice lair, not as cool as mine, but still nice.

"Jack, I'm Jerry, my wife Teresa is working the sub station, Justin's your mentor as you know, and that's Max. You already met Alex, the one you're going to stay far away from." He pointed to everyone. Simple names, that's good. I nodded and waved at them. What's wrong with that girl though? Why can't I talk to her? She seems like the most normal Wizard in here. "Class dismissed. Justin, you should show Jack around Waverly Place, let him get a feel for New York." Justin nodded and Jerry pushed Max out of the lair.

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