Throw Her in the Time Vortex

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*The Doctors POV*

I watched as Rose ran outside to her father, "Doctor!" I turned around and saw Justin in the doorway of the room Alex was in. I ran to the room, seeing Alex's body had reappeared. "She still doesn't have a pulse, but her body's back." Justin nodded to me. I picked Alex up and ran out the doors, Justin following close behind.

I hurried into the Tardis, placing Alex gently on the floor. I put Alex's head in my lap as Justin ran over with medical tools.

"She's got a pulse!" I exclaimed, still holding Alex's head in my lap. "Alex? Alex, sweetheart, can you hear us?"

"Alex?" Justin was slapping her face slightly, to try and wake her up.

Rose burst through the Tardis doors and ran over to us. "Alex, please wake up." Rose sat down next to Alex's body, but Justin moved Alex closer to us, away from Rose.

"I think you've done enough, Rose. We've got it from here." Justin shooed her away. I swear if Justin and Rose makes the Tardis a domestic place I'm going to chuck em both into a black hole.

"I'm sorry, Justin." Rose gave him a sad look, "I know I screwed up, but she's my friend too." Well... You're certainly not mine right now. Thanks for only using me for the Tardis, Rose.

"A real friend wouldn't have caused this." Justin glared at her. Well I guess they're not a thing anymore. I kissed Alex's forehead, rubbing my thumb along her cheeks.

"I am a real friend, Justin! I'm sorry that I don't know everything about Alex and time. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. You said you hated Alex. Why are you being so protective over someone you hate?" Justin said that about Alex? I stared at him with my mouth open. Wow.

Justin snapped his head in Rose's direction, "when did I ever say I hated Alex?"

"What?" Rose shook her head at him. Rose. You brought it up. Finish whatever it is you're on about. Pretty interesting since Justin seems pretty scared for Alex right now, but Rose is claiming he hates her.

"When did I say I hated Alex?" Justin's voice started to rise.

"Well you didn't, you implied"- Rose began to say, but Justin cut her off.

"No, Rose. I don't hate Alex. Never have, never could, never will." Justin glared at her. Should I say something to them? Cause now really isn't the time for this argument. "She's my little sister, who's not doing so well, thanks to you, of course I'm going to be protective over her." He bit his lip, "just go to your room or something, Rose."

"No. I'm helping. I'm worried about Alex, Justin." Rose shook her head at Justin.

Justin tilted his head at her, "Rose, you are aware that Mason is a werewolf right?"

"Yeah?" Rose shook her head at him not understanding. I don't even understand where he's going with this. Why the hell did he bring up Mason? I hate that guy.

"Well, when Mason told Juliet he loved her, Mason and I got into a fight," Justin put his hand on her wrist, feeling that she still had a pulse, "I beat the shit out of a werewolf Rose, no magic, just my bare hands. I will snap your neck like a little twig if you keep touching my little sister." Justin growled at Rose. I might be really pissed off at Rose, but I don't know if I would kill her. Maybe kick her off the Tardis, but not kill her. I do agree with Justin though, Rose shouldn't be near Alex right now, she's caused enough damage. Rose looked at me to say something to Justin, but I looked back down at Alex. I'm not going to say anything to Justin about that, I know he's just worried about Alex, I doubt he'd ever lay a hand on Rose. Rose moved away and sat down on the jump seat, still watching us.

SUCKER.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ