Say Goodbye to Your Magic II

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*Alex's POV*

I looked around the room, seeing the Doctor and Van Statten freaking out. "The Dalek's a genius. It can calculate a thousand billion combinations in one second flat."

The security guards are standing in front of the door, who are pointing their guns at it. In no time at all, the door opened. "Open fire!" One of the guards screamed and they shoot at the Dalek.

"Don't shoot it, I want it unharmed." Van Statten screamed at his security.

"Are you serious?" I glared at Van Statten, getting more and more pissed off by the second. He tortured the Doctor, got my powers taken, sorta... But then tells his security guards not to shoot the fucking Dalek? Oh you've got to be kidding me.

"What?" Van Statten crossed his arms at me. "I don't want it harmed."

"You're fucking idiot, Van Statten." I spat at him. The Doctor snapped his head, glaring at me. "What? I told you when we were on Platform One I wasn't filtering myself." I crossed my arms at the Doctor.

The Doctor turned his attention back to the monitor, "Rose, get out of there!" I felt my good wand buzzing in my boot. I slowly reached down and clicked the green button, signaling I was okay. I sighed, what the Doctor doesn't know, won't hurt him.

"That's us right below the surface. That's the cage, and that's the Dalek." Goddard pointed to the monitor, I hurried over to see what the fuck was going on.

I turned to her, "this museum of yours, have you got any alien weapons?"

"Lots of them," she frowned, "but the trouble is the Dalek's between us and them." I liked Goddard, I could tell she was a smart woman. This planet needs smart.

"We've got to keep that thing alive." I rolled my eyes at the fat man. "We could just seal the entire vault, trap it down there."

"Leaving everyone trapped with it? Rose is down there. I won't let that happen. Have you got that?" Van Statten sent the Doctor a glare. The Doctor turned to Goddard, "it's got to go through this area. What's that?"

"Weapons testing."

"Give guns to the lawyers, technicians, anyone. Everyone. Only then have you got a chance of killing it." Goddard nodded as the Doctor took her place in front of the computer.

"I thought you were the great expert, Doctor." Van Statten rolled his eyes. "If you're so impressive, then why not just reason with this Dalek? It must be willing to negotiate, there must be something it needs, everything needs something."

"What's the nearest town?" The Doctor turned to face Van Statten.

"Saltlake City."


"One million."

"All dead." I crossed my arms at Van Statten, who turned to face me, "if the Dalek gets out, it'll murder every living creature, that's all it needs."

"But why would it do that?!" Van Statten yelled at me. Watch your damn tone bitch. I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to but I will rip your rib cage out and wear it as a hat. Do not speak to me in that voice.

The Doctor pulled me into his side, I swear this man knows when I'm about to rip someone's balls off. "Because it honestly believes they should die."

"Human beings are different and anything different is wrong. It's the ultimate in racial cleansing and you, Van Statten, you've let it loose!" I yelled at him. God, I hate idiots. This is exactly why I stay in my room all day. I don't bother anyone, but everyone likes to bother me.

SUCKER.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ