Tricycle With a Roof

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*The Doctors POV*

After we had some chips, or french fries as Alex likes to call them, we headed back to the Tardis. Alex went off to the library, I know she wanted to read more of that book that's about her father.

"So you attach this wire with the green one and then you can see whatever you want on the monitor!" I smiled happily, seeing that the monitor turned on. I turned around to see Rose asleep on the jump seat. I sighed, how come no one cares when I do something super cool to the Tardis? She's absolutely magnificent!

I took off my jacket and wrapped it around Rose to keep her warm. I headed off to the library to see how that book is coming for Alex. I opened the doors quietly, to try and not disturb her, which didn't work all too well as she looked up and smiled at me. Alex was on the same couch as before and she was tucked into a blanket that I left lying around in here. "Sorry." I tried my best to sound apologetic, but I don't think I did such a good job at that either cause Alex just laughed at me.

"All good, Doctor." Alex smiled back into her book. She looked kinda adorable all snuggled up in the blanket. I felt my cheeks heat up as I found myself staring at her. I shook my head and hurried over to the opposite couch, opening my Charles Dickens story.

A few minutes went by and I kept having to force my eyes to stare at the book. I wanted to laugh, Alex had such a funny reading face. She would scrunch up her face, like she was really angry about something. I knew she wasn't, it was just the face she made, but it was hilarious to see. I stared back down at my book, trying to force my eyes to stay there. But they just wouldn't. I didn't care about my book right now, I've read it about a hundred times. I wanted to know more about Alex. I know the basic stuff, but I wanted her to let me in. She's like a question mark. I wanna know more. What was Jabe saying about Alex and the time vortex? Alex seemed really defensive over it. Maybe I could get Alex to tell me. I wanna know what's going on in that pretty little head of hers. She always seems like she's in deep thought, like she's contemplating something huge.

Alex must've noticed me staring again cause she looked up at me and smiled. She tilted her head at me, like she was going to ask me something, but instead she put her book down and headed over to the Wizard shelf. Alex took out more books and piled them on the couch she was on. I titled my head, trying to read them sideways. They're spell books, why does she need four books about spells? I'd get it if Alex was still in the Family Wizard Competition and was prepping, but she wasn't anymore, so what's the point of all this? "Whatcha doing with all those spell books?"

Alex looked up at me and smiled, "do you miss your family, Doctor?" I swallowed hard. I felt a bit uncomfortable, no one's ever asked me that before. I looked at the ground, avoiding her gaze. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Why?" I bit my tongue, nervous to what Alex was going to say.

"I'm looking for a spell to bring them back, so you'll be less lonely." I looked up from the ground and stared at her. Believe me, I've looked through every spell book, searched for all beings that could possibly bring them back, there was no reversing this. I smiled at Alex, knowing her heart was in the right place, and she was just trying to help me.

I got off my couch and walked over to Alex, moving the spell books onto the table, taking their place on the couch. "It's okay, I've read every book that could possibly have a solution, none of them do. It's my forever punishment." I pulled her into a tight hug. She smells nice. Kinda like... Vanilla.

Alex pulled away from me and gave me a sad smile, "what do you mean your punishment, Doctor?" I frowned a bit, which she took note of, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be prying." Alex shook her head at me and stared at the small part of the couch that was in between us.

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